Questel提供一系列完整的在線知識產權服務以幫助用戶提高生產力并加強內部合作,服務內容涵蓋企業知識產權生命周期從創意到產品的所有相關解決方案:?競爭情報與技術地圖?構思管理與發明捕捉?專利技術挖掘與對內許可?發明管理與現有技術檢索?專利組合管理與修剪?對外許可與IP資本化用戶可以借助Questel獨家全面的知識產權數據庫對技術進行分析、共享和歸檔。在創新的各個階段,Questel同時提供咨詢服務以及在線學習解決方案,以幫助客戶創造,利用,管理和運營知識產權資產。自1975年成立以來,Questel的服務范圍已經覆蓋30多個國家,并在巴黎、倫敦、波恩、華盛頓、圣保羅、東京以及上海設立了辦公室。**范圍內5000多家企業、約10萬用戶選擇了Questel,而我們的解決方案也能為企業內部眾多部門提供幫助,包括業務發展、研發、法務、財務及技術轉讓等部門。公司網址:www.questelQuestelhas been focusing on its core business, Intellectual Property since itsinception in the early 70’s. We provide a suite of leading-edge patent andindustrial design services to researchers, lawyers, scientists, and competitiveintelligence professionals. Questel built Fampat, the largest databasescollections in the world and available in our portal Orbit for searching,mapping, watching, archiving and sharing information, as well as analyzing andmanaging IP portfolios.Questelprovides a comprehensive suite of web-based services for productivity andcollaboration dedicated to intellectual property. Covering the entire innovation cycle, fromidea to product, Questel's offerings include:- Competitive intelligence and technologicallandscape,- Ideation management andinnovation capture,- Technologyscouting and licensing-in,- Inventionmanagement and prior-art searching,-Portfolio management and pruning,-Licensing-out and monetization.Ourcomprehensive and unique collection of intellectual property databases can beanalyzed, shared and archived. For each stage of innovation, we also offerconsulting services as well as IP elearning.Establishedin 1975, Questel is present in more than 30 countries with offices in Paris,London, Bonn, Washington, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Shanghai. Trusted by more than5,000 companies worldwide and 100,000 users, its solutions target a largeaudience across the business development, R&D, legal, financial and licensingdepartments.Companywebsite: www.questel