北京信達經緯國際物流有限公司EVER TRUSTGLOBAL LOGISTICS CO.,LTD北京信達經緯國際物流有限公司成立于2017年,注冊資本500萬人民幣,公司以國際空海運為主,逐漸發展為集空運/海運/鐵路/陸運/倉儲一體的現代化物流企業。本著以客戶為核心的理念,依托強大的管理操作團隊,為客戶提供安全/快捷/**/成本優的物流解決方案。同時憑借與航空公司/船公司/機場/貨站/碼頭/堆場/海關/商檢等相關部門的良好合作關系,為客戶提供高品質的物流服務。EverTrust Global Logistics was founded in 2017 and focused on Airfreight and Oceanfreight. Since then it gradually grows up into a modern logistics company and provides a broad portfolio of logistics services including Airfreight, Oceanfreight, Rail and Road Freightand warehousing etc. Customer-centricity is always the first priority and safe, fast, efficient and cost effective logistics solutions are always proposed. Based on good relationship with Airlines, shipping lines, airports, container yards, terminals, it continuously supplies customers with best in class logistics services.