IntroductionShanghai MeijiCulture Communications Co., Ltd (SMCC), one of the biggest human resourcescenters for foreigners in Shanghai (China), specializes in assisting foreign teachersand interns in pursuing the teaching career of their dreams in China. 公司簡介上海美際文化傳播(交流)有限公司是上海目前大的外籍教師以及外籍實習教師的人才交流中心之一,主要專注于教育領域的中外文化與交流事業。LocationWith itsheadquarters in Shanghai (China), one ofthe world’s most influential cities for economical growth, culture and education,SMCC attracts talent from all around the world.A.地理優勢:公司總部位于中國上海,上海作為亞洲教育,經濟,文化領域有影響力的城市之一,吸引著世界各地的人才和資源。StrengthsWith more thaneight years of experience in human resource management, SMCC is an expert inthe management of foreign teachers, recruitment, teaching training, placement, providingeducational internships in China,orientation in China, teachingin China, and homestay in China.Working togetherwith many top U.K. TEFL Centers,overseas schools, and human resources companies, SMCC attracts hundreds ofinterns to Shanghaieach month. SMCC provides an arrangement of professional services for its teachersand interns, including the airport pickup, Visa service, retrieval of atemporary residence permit, recommendations for teaching positions, preparationsfor school introductions, intensive Chinese language courses, and online TEFLor TESOL learning courses. B.公司實力:-- 公司在本領域有八年的行業經驗,包括:外籍教師的招聘、教學培訓、安置、派遣以及管理;簽證相關事宜的指導及辦理;外籍人士來華、駐華就業以及實習的咨詢、指導服務等等。-- 公司目前為外籍教師提供的服務,包括:接機;Visa辦理;注冊登記;多崗位提供;學校介紹及指導;后期跟蹤及反饋。-- 公司目前已與英國數家TEFL中心、國外HR、歐美學校達成了長期的合作。