數聯銘品,基于大數據運營平臺HIGGS系統,為企業提供數據服務的機構。公司旨在使用多渠道非受控的海量數據,建立符合行業牌特征的大數據應用算法,為客戶提供可量化的全面而準確的決策信息,規避潛在風險。 數據儲備和數據分析能力將成為未來企業重要的核心戰略能力,大數據的研究結果對各行各業具有高度普適性。尤其在數據輔助決策方面能給企業帶來巨大支撐。公司服務包括企業背景調查數據、個人盡職調查數據、數字營銷決策支撐數據、企業專項服務數據、金融數據風險管理服務等。目前,已經為GEHC、中國聯通、PWC、WACOM、安信證券等提供數據服務。公司自成立以來發展迅速,獲得四川日報、成都商報、化妝品觀察的專題報道。 數聯銘品于在成都成立,在北京、上海、杭州設有分支機構,并與電子科技大學互聯網科學中心合作,在成都建立了國內大數據數據服務聯合研究中心,該研究機構專注與基于大數據量化分析和個性化對象數據挖掘的研究。Brand Big Data, an institute based on the big data system HIGGSTM, providing consultancy and marketing service for brands based on big data technology. Brand Big Data aims at building up applied big data algorithms justified by the characteristics of industries and brands using multi-channel uncontrolled data, then providing quantifiable, comprehensive, and accurate decision information to clients to avoid potential risks. The ability of data storage and data analysis is becoming the most critical strategic capability for business. The research of big data could be used widely in various realms of business, especially as a great support to the enterprise decision with the assistant of data. The services we offer are data for corporation background investigation, data for investigative due diligence investigation into person, data for digital marketing decision support, data for enterprise special service, financial data for risk management service, etc. At present, we are providing data service to companies and institutions including GEHC, China Unicom, PWC, WACOM, and Essence Securities. Brand Big Data has been developing rapidly since established, and has been interviewed by Sichuan Daily, Chengdu Business Daily, and Cosmetic Observer as special report. Brand Big Data was founded in Chengdu, and has branches in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou. The company is in cooperation with the Web Science Center of UESTC to establish China Joint Research Center of Big Data Service. This institution focuses on research based on big data quantitative analysis and personalized object data mining.