日本多格漫株式會社創立于1963年,是一家歷史悠久、國際知名的寵物用品和寵物食品的開發﹑生產商。公司總部位于日本大阪,專業設計與生產寵物食品﹑寵物牽繩﹑寵物玩具及寵物梳理美容用品等多元化的寵物產品。DoggyMan(多格漫)品牌產品不僅在日本享有盛譽,在世界各地也極為暢銷,產品出口歐洲﹑美洲﹑澳洲和東南亞大多數國家和地區;作為世界的寵物產品綜合公司之一,多格漫擁有雄厚的研發實力,強大的生產能力和完善的銷售體系,致力于在諸多寵物領域為廣大客戶提供富于創新、卓有成效的寵物用品以及食品。 多格漫寵物用品(上海)有限公司成立于2001年12月,工廠占地總面積26871平米,公司為上海松江地區具規模的寵物用品生產基地。多年來,多格漫通過嚴格的質量管理體系,采用先進的設備以及技術,使“多格漫”品牌產品品質上乘。多格漫商貿(上海)有限公司成立于2006年3月,是由日本多格漫株式會社投資設立的外商獨資企業。公司秉承“寵物生活良友”的理念,致力于創造“人與寵物共同的幸福生活”。自成立以來一直很注重企業形象,采用直銷和發展渠道銷售相結合的多元化銷售模式,不斷研究開發出新的產品。本公司先后于09年、10年推出了休閑主糧-“富泡果”,新概念主糧-“富泡豆”,作為寵物市場的全新產品,上市后贏得廣大客戶的誠懇的肯定和支持。我們多格漫本著以的產品質量,優惠的產品價格,令人滿意的銷售服務贏得您的支持與信賴,愿與國內外志同道合者共創寵物行業美好未來! 多格漫食品(青島)有限公司坐落于青島膠州九龍鎮營里路,總投資5000萬美金,占地規模65畝,建筑面積40000平方米,工廠竣工后需300余人。公司項目主要涉及寵物零食、寵物用品的研發、生產、加工、銷售和進出口,寵物活體飼養和銷售等。項目投產后,年生產量可達3萬噸,年營業額約5億元,并一舉讓多格漫成為國內大的寵物零食生產商之一。 DoggyMan Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a foreign-owned enterprise invested by Japan DoggyMan H.A.Co., Ltd. Japan DoggyMan H.A.Co., Ltd. was founded in 1963, is an international well-known pet products developer and manufacturer with more than 40 years history. Company is headquartered in Osaka, professionally design and produce diversified pet food and supplies, such as pet foods, pet leashes, pet toys, pet combs and so on. The brand of"DoggyMan" obtained a high reputation in Asia and it's also very popular in Europe, North America and Australia. As one of the largest pet product companies in the world, with a strong R&D capability, manufacturing capability and complete sales system, we aspire to provide innovative and useful pet products to customers. A world-class factory was established in Songjiang district, Shanghai. For many years, we are always providing products of superior quality through strict quality control, advanced facilities and techniques. Following the concept of "Good partner for pets", we care about our enterprise image since our foundation. We keep developing new products and exploring new market through diversified direct sales and distribution system. We launched a new concept dog food "Fupaoguo – Foamed Dry Food" in the market in 2009 and "Fupaodou – Fluffy Feast Pet Food" in 2010 and received positive feedback from all of our customers immediately. We look forward to establishing long-term business relationships for mutual benefits with pet products importers and wholesalers around the world. It would be wonderful if you are interested in becoming "DoggyMan" distributor! With our first class quality, reasonably pricing, and satisfactory sales service, we promise you a great future.