Wallok Engineering Co., Ltd are distributor of testing equipment set up in Hong Kong since 1982 and with branch company in Shenzhen, China since 2000 & liaison in KunShan (near to Shanghai); with active sales forces and efficient service facilities. We are frequent supplier to universities, chemical, petrochemical, food, textile and plastic fields in Hong Kong & China; with active sales force and full support after sales service / logistic facilities and with good base of past job references.華樂工程有限公司總部于1982年在香港成立,在深圳設有分公司, 在昆山設有辦事處. 專營材料測試儀器設備,備安裝調試、技術指導、售后維修保養和檢定校正服務;為世界多家材料測試儀器之代理,具廣泛客戶基礎. 德國Zwick材料試驗機;德國Nabertherm, ThermConcept高溫爐; 德國Hildebrand硬度計;瑞士AirLoc防震墊,避震腳;德國Mutronic試樣切割機等.www.wallok