關于我們“鄰宬閣國際文化有限公司”是由北京1+1藝術中心有限公司和拉薩成科投資管理有限公司新創建的公司。在**文化融合,藝術及設計無國界的今天,鄰宬閣立足**視野,在傳承中國千年傳統美學和技藝的基礎上,結合當代藝術設計與科技,打造具有影響力的中外文化藝術交流平臺。南池子140號空間建筑面積約3500平方米,緊鄰皇史宬與故宮博物院,是北京中心城區四合院建筑群中的一部分。?About UsLCG Art Space is jointly founded byBeijing 1+1 Art Centre Co., Ltd. and Lhasa Chengke Investment Management Co.,Ltd. In today’s world with fused culture and borderless art anddesign, LCG, with a global perspective, on the basis of inheriting China’s thousandsof years of traditional aesthetics and workmanship, aims to build an influentialcommunication platform for domestic and foreign cultures and art by leveragingcontemporary art design and technology.LCG Art Space, covering an area of 3500 m2 and adjacent to ImperialArchives and the Palace Museum, is part of the quadrangle courtyard buildingsin the central urban area of Beijing.空間功能南池子140號改造完成之后將承擔多種功能,即可作為靈活、多變的展示場所和活動空間,舉辦展覽,沙龍,酒會等活動,又可作為別具一格的概念體驗店,展出藝術作品。更因其特殊的地理位置和文化意涵,可承擔文化藝術傳播窗口的功能。FunctionsAfter the completion of the transformation, LCG will take a variety offunctions. It can either be used as a gallery and flexible space to holdexhibitions, salons, meetings, banquets and other kind of events, or, become aconcept store to display artworks. Moreover, boasting the special geographical locationand the cultural connotation the place conveys, LCG can also play the role ofcultural and artistic propagation.公司愿景我們希望從傳統出發,從中國廣博燦爛的傳統藝術著手,選取其中具有代表性的形式和工藝,梳理文化發展的脈絡,進行工藝的保育和傳承。同時結合當代的藝術和設計,以國際化的視野,在深化藝術與文化傳播的同時,促進國際文化的交流與交融。Our VisionWe are ready to start from the tradition, and more precisely, from the extensiveand splendid Chinese traditional cultures and art, select the typical artisticforms and workmanship, study the cultural development course so as to preserveand inherit the fading technic.Meanwhile, we will combine the beaming contemporary art and design, andwith an international perspective, while enhancing the dissemination of Chineseart and culture, we will better facilitate the communication and exchange amongdifferent cultures.