Amlan International is dedicated to producing animal health products that provide natural disease management solutions for livestock.? The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, which was founded in 1941.?Amlan products are used globally by leading livestock producers, feed mills, and integrators and are sold through its network of distributors. We continue to grow our product line and outreach to farmers that are looking to improve livestock productivity using natural, safe and efficacious products.?Amlan Trading (Shenzhen) Company, Ltd received its business license in November 2013 and began business operations in April 2014 in Shenzhen, which is a very beautiful city in the South of China. The office will focus on serving the national customers to improve productivity and manage disease.? ?Contact Information_58_Unit L, 13th Floor, New Time Square, Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 518067, Chinawww.amlan安牧然國際公司致力于動物保健產品的生產和研發,為動物疾病管理提供有效的解決方案。隸屬于美國優哉公司,該公司成立于1941年,為**制造業、自動化、農業、運動以及液體純化市場提供**的礦物吸附類產品。?安牧然產品已通過**經銷商網絡提供給的牲畜養殖和飼料加工廠商,憑借的動物健康研究人員和技術服務團隊,為客戶提供天然、安全并能有效提高牲畜生產力的產品。?2013年11月,安牧然貿易(深圳)有限公司獲得營業執照,在中國美麗的南方城市—深圳成立,并于2014年4月開始商業運營,致力于為國內農場主提供專業的疾病管理解決方案,降低霉菌毒素對于牲畜產業的危害。?公司地址:廣東省深圳市南山區蛇口太子路新時代廣場13樓L單元?? 郵編:518067網址:www.amlan???? 聯系電話: 0755-26672055