國安安保是天津市公安局首批審批并取得保安服務許可證的專業保安公司,專業從事企業安全管理、服務的運營公司,現有員工1000多人,專注于向客戶提供從安保服務到方案設計、實施等一整套解決方案。業務范圍涉及:保安服務、安保培訓服務、前臺行政服務、貴賓隨身保護服務、會議安全、中控室管理、大型臨時活動的安全保衛等。公司堅持“客戶至上”的服務原則,在全國范圍內向五百強公司、國企、央企、私企等提供安保、行政服務。公司堅持“通過的服務,為每一位客戶創造一個安全、舒適的商業環境”的宗旨。我們的員工以其良好的形象、優質的服務贏得了客戶的信賴和贊譽,為公司在安保服務行業內創造了優良的商業信譽和品牌形象。我們相信通過不懈的努力和真誠的服務,我們將成為中國專業、著名的安保服務公司之一。國安安保遵循“尊重知識、尊重人才”的宗旨,尊重公司的每一位員工,為其創造了良好的工作環境和生活環境。公司建立了完善的人力資源管理制度,科學、公平、可操作的考核評價制度,有效的激勵機制,公平、公正的晉升制度等,從制度上保證人才脫穎而出,為其創造一種和諧、尊重人、關心人的工作環境,使其具有高度的事業上的滿足感,專業上的成就感。“誠信、責任、創新”的核心價值觀是天津國安安保的價值追求,是公司和員工實現愿景和使命的信念支撐根本方法?!罢\信”是企業立業、員工立身的道德基石,每一位員工、每一個部門、每一個項目,每時每刻都要重誠信、講誠信,遵紀守法、言行一致,忠于國家、忠于客戶。這是公司履行職責,實現公司與員工、公司與客戶、公司與社會共同發展的基本前提。 “責任”是勇挑重擔、盡職盡責的工作態度,每一位員工都要堅持局部服從整體、小局服從大局,主動把這種責任轉化為貫徹公司決策部署的自覺行動,轉化為推進“企業專業化轉變”的統一意志,轉化為推動日常安全服務工作的強勁動力,做到對國家負責、對企業負責、對客戶負責、對自己負責。 “創新”是企業發展、事業進步的根本動力,公司發展的歷程就是創新的過程,沒有創新就**能成為中國安全管理服務品牌。需要大力倡導勇于變革、敢為人先、敢于打破常規、敢于承擔風險的創新精神,全面推進理論創新、技術創新、管理創新和實踐創新。Guo'an security company is a professional operating company engage in enterprise safety management, now owning number of employees more than 1000, concentrate on providing a full set of solution from security consultation to project design,implement etc., Our business scope cover: safety service, safefy cultivate service, Reception Area,Vips take protection service, meeting safety, The management of central control room,risk management,etc.,Our company insisting that”the customer is supreme.”the service principle provide security, administrative service to foreign companies, state-owned companies and central enterprises,etc., We insisting that “through all-embracing service, create a safe,satisfied business environment”objective. Our company employees with their good image and superior service win the trust and the praise from the client,created excellent business reputation and brand image. We believe that though our unremitting efforts and sincere service, we will be one of the most professional and most famous security management company. Guo’an security follow “respect knowledge, respect talents”aim, respect every employee, creat good work environment and live environment. Company has built perfect human resource management system, scientific, fair and operational evaluation system, effective incentive mechanism,fair and just system of promotion,etc., institutionally ensure the real talents come to the fore, creat a kind of harmony,respect people, care about people’s work environment, make them have a high degree of career satisfaction, professional achievement.“Integrity,responsibility,innovation”s core value is Tianjin Guo’an security’s value pursuit, is our company and employee realize vision & Mission’s beliefs support’s fundamental method. “Integrity”is enterprise starting a career, employee grow up’s moral foundation,every employee,every department and every project,everytime need take serious of reliable, honor credibility,Law-abiding, practice what they preach, loyal to the country, loyal customers. This is a company to perform their duties, the basic premise of the company and employees to achieve the company and customers, the company and society development."Responsibility" is the heavy responsibilities, due diligence work attitude, every employee must adhere to the part to the whole, small bureau to obey the overall situation, take the initiative to put this responsibility into action implement conscious decision to deploy the company's transformation in order to promote "business specialization changes "unity of will, driven by strong momentum into the daily work of security services, so that the state is responsible, responsible for enterprise, the customer is responsible for themselves."Innovation" is the fundamental driving force for enterprise development, career advancement, and course development of the company is innovation process, there is no innovation can not become China's leading managed security service brand. Need to vigorously promote the courage to change, the pioneers, the courage to break the routine, the courage to take the risk of innovation, and comprehensively promote theoretical innovation, technological innovation, management innovation and practical innovation.