HongKong POETS Hospitality Group 香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團HongKong POETS Hospitality Group is now leading 3 brands all over China. The concept begins from POETS (“Punch Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday”) which is widely used in western countries and also an attitude, a state of mind, and a lifestyle about taking time for a high quality life, having fun and being in control. The 3 brands are POETS Restaurant & Lounge, Brownstone Tapas and Lounge and MOOSAN Seafood, which all delicate to provide our customers friendly service atmosphere and enjoy the dining experience from different countries.香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團旗下擁有普艾斯東南亞餐廳酒吧, 布朗石西班牙餐廳酒和木桑水產。集團概念來自于西方國家盛行的POETS -“明天是星期六,今天就早點下班吧!”并解讀為一種態度、生活的觀念。它表示重視生活質量,懂得享受生活,會花時間在有品質、有情趣的生活上。旗下的三個品牌都致力于為客人提供舒適友好的服務氛圍及享受更多來自不同國家的用餐體驗。POETS Restaurant & Lounge 普艾斯東南亞餐廳酒吧POETS Restaurant and Lounge, one of the subsidiaries of Hong Kong POETS Hospitality Group, is a world-class food and beverage brand and positioned as a combination of restaurant and lounge in comfortable environment. We provide high quality Southeast Asian food, classic and popular cocktails and premium spirits at reasonable price, as well as offering excellent service to meet the needs of you and your friends. Every venue has a special garden-style patio to help create a relaxing atmosphere.香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團旗下- 普艾斯餐廳酒吧致力于打造世界餐飲品牌,定位為環境舒適優雅的餐廳酒吧相結合,以合理價格提供 高品質的精品東南亞菜, 世界級雞尾酒及各種洋酒,以優質的服務滿足您和朋友不同的需。每家餐廳都具有獨特的戶外露天餐廳,讓您更好的享受生活。Brownstone Tapas and Lounge 布朗石西班牙餐廳酒吧Brownstone Tapas and Lounge, one of the subsidiaries of Hong Kong POETS Hospitality Group, is a chill, sophisticated tapas bar in the heart of the former French Concession in Shanghai and your drink is our obsession. Great tapas, cocktails, and tunes with old and new friends. Your local neighborhood just got gorgeous. We’re a perfect place for dinner, drinks and after dinner antics because there is something effortless about the way we roll. Brownstone was developed in the style of Spanish brown stones. To complete the relaxed Spanish atmosphere, we’ve added a central bar, a fully equipped DJ booth, wooden finished counters and high seats with two lounge areas around it, genuine imported leather sofas, a custom-made modular metallic open ceiling, and the southern Spanish ‘peacock feather’ theme in both the design of the screens’ pattern and the loose furniture color palette. All these design elements are a perfect combination of nostalgia and innovation which make any Brownstone feel like you’ve stepped into Spain.香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團旗下-布朗石西班牙餐廳酒吧是一家雅致的餐廳酒吧,充分融合了西班牙小吃和雞尾酒的小資氣氛,讓人感受到自然與優雅,是午后小憩、用餐聚會和舉辦派對的理想場所.布朗石的設計采用了西班牙老舊紅磚作為主基調,利用酒吧和餐廳兩個用餐區相結合,酒吧區配有國際級 DJ 設備。手工切割的天然大理石地面,優質的美國橡木及進口皮革家具,金屬模塊化開放式天花及西班牙南部“孔雀羽毛”是酒架窗戶的設計靈感來源,這一切都讓結合懷舊與創新的布朗石具有濃郁的西班牙“風情”體驗。MOOSAN Seafood木桑水產MOOSAN Seafood, one of the subsidiaries of Hong Kong POETS Hospitality Group, dedicates to provide the freshest and best as well varieties of seafood feast to modern urbanites in fashionable fisherman’s wharf in different locations of the city center. MOOSAN Seafood is equipped with an efficient open kitchen, where chefs can demonstrate their slicing skills. Freshly freight daily from around the world, including Norway, France, Denmark, and Chile.香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團旗下-木桑水產是一個新興快速海鮮餐飲連鎖品牌,致力于打造城市中心的時尚漁人碼頭。木桑水產配有高標準開放式廚房,現場配餐。取材于世界各地,由挪威、法國、丹麥,智利等世界知名水產地空運直供,品類新穎繁多、品質新鮮可靠。集團統一福利:廣闊的晉升平臺完善的績效考核機制核心人員持股計劃專業的培訓評估體系完善的提成分配制度五險一金意外險重大疾病保險住房補貼旅游補貼帶薪年假帶薪病假 員工派對 生日福利 等香港普艾斯餐飲管理集團正值強勢發展中,上海、南京市場穩進開拓,集團旗下三大品牌普艾斯,布朗石及木桑水產常年招兵買馬、儲備人才,包括東南亞菜系廚師、西餐廚師、日式廚師、廚師學徒、門店主管、領班、調酒師、調酒師學徒、收銀員、服務員、保潔員……竭誠期望熱愛餐飲行業的你加入我們的大家庭,我們的廣闊平臺將提供給您展示無限潛能的空間!