山水文園學樂國際幼兒園成立于2017年5月,是世界著名的美國上市機構“學樂集團Scholastic”授權經營的國際幼兒園,致力于發展中西合璧的高品質早期學前教育。我們遵循平等、尊重、創新的園所文化,中外員工遵守統一的標準,管理層給予員工充分的支持,接受意見和建議;所有團隊成員也享有豐富的學習和培訓機會,以及優美舒適的國際化工作環境(邊享用咖啡邊討論工作)。我們以探究作為主要教學模式,通過主題方案的形式呈現,并采納雙主講模式,組織有目的性的活動讓孩子掌握技能與知識,尊重孩子的個體差異,主要教學語言為英文。我們的愿景:山水文園國際幼兒園致力于創建有中國特色的多元化國際幼兒園,旨在為世界各地適齡兒童提供完整的個性化發展教育體系,支持其成長為具有自我主導與思考能力的現代人,幫助家庭提升教育內涵,并極盡所能地服務于社會。我們的使命:給予孩子能適應現代與未來社會的特質與觀念。我們的教育目標:培養孩子5大方面的能力與素質,包括挑戰與勇氣、優雅與禮儀、自我主導與思考、領導力與組織力、自我認同感。我們竭誠歡迎國外及國內立志于從事幼教行業的有識之士,加入學樂幼兒園溫馨、開放的大家庭。Scholastic International Kindergarten founded inMay 2017, is a high-end international kindergarten authorized by Scholasticwhich is a world-renowned US-listed public institution, dedicated to develophigh quality early-childhood education combining Chinese and Western elements.We follow the equality, respect and innovation of the culture of thekindergarten, both Chinese and foreign employees follow the same standards, ourmanagement give full support to accept opinions and suggestions from our staff.All team members also enjoy a wealth opportunities of learning and training, aswell as a beautiful and comfortable international work environment (discussingwork while enjoying coffee). We use inquiry as the main teaching mode, presentit in the form of themed programs, and adopt a two lead teachers mode. Weorganize purposeful activities to equip children with skills and knowledge andrespect their individual differences. The main teaching language is English.Our Vision: RiversideScholastic International Kindergarten is committed to building a multi-culturalinternational school with Chinese characteristics, offering a complete andpersonalized education system to students around the world, helping familiesimprove their education, and doing everything we can to serve the communityOur Mission: Provide children the abilities to adapt to the characteristics and conceptsof modern and future society.Our Educational Objective: Develop children's five abilities and qualities, including challenges andcourage, grace and courtesy, self-driven and independent thinking, leadershipand organizational skills, and self-awareness.We wholeheartedly welcome the insightful people who are willing to engagein the early childhood education industry from domestic and abroad to join thewarm and open Scholastic family.