??秉承十余年紡織品特殊功能后整理的資源和經驗,攜手業界國際的合作伙伴,上海意續材料科技有限公司作為一家專業的紡織品特殊功能后整理服務商,以高科技的環保產品,**率的服務理念,全心為客戶提供的解決方案,共同發展!With more than 10 years of rich resources and experience in special functional finishing for textile and working with world leading partners hand in hand,Shanghai Yikeep Material Science&Techinology Co.,Ltd. is professional to provide outstanding service to the customer with high technology&environmente friendly products,efficient serving spirit and excellent solutions on special functional finishing in textile in order for all to achieve succeess togerher!