共呈集團成立于1997年,總部位于北京,在上海、天津、深圳、廣西、四川、海南及新加坡等地設有子公司或分支機構。經過近20年的發展,集團從一家單純以建筑裝飾為主營業務的企業成長為覆蓋公共環境提升及公共服務運營等業務領域的全產業鏈服務運營商,在城市公共環境提升改造、公共建筑裝飾、辦公集成等方面有著豐富的經驗和市場影響。集團旗下擁有專業從事策劃咨詢、工程裝飾、集成辦公、資產運營、基金管理的各業務子公司,同時設有研發中心,擁有員工500多人,其中有20多位**具影響力的資深設計師和80多位全國杰出中青年設計師。成立至今,我們始終依照“專業精神、學術品質、優質服務、共同創新”的服務理念,為客戶打造高品質的作品。The group was established in 1997 and is headquartered in Beijing. It has subsidiaries or branches in Shanghai,Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hainan and singapore. After nearly 20 years of development, the groupgrew from a simple decoration to the main business of the enterprise environment to enhance the coverage ofpublic and public services and other business operations in the field of the whole industry chain service providers, has extensive experience and market influence in the transformation, the city public environment to improve public building decoration, office integration etc.. The group owns professional consulting, decoration engineering, integrated office, asset management, fund management business subsidiary, also has a research and development center, has a staff of more than 500 people, of which more than 20 of the world's most influential senior designers and more than 80 national outstanding young designers. Since its inception, we have always been in accordance with the "professionalism, academic quality, quality service, common innovation" service concept, to create high-quality products for customers.