源自歐洲,始于1853,潤滑油科技的領導者。新加坡超技潤滑科技亞太私人有限公司上海代表處為法國MOTUL品牌潤滑油在中國的全資代表處。源自法國,從1853年成立至今,MOTUL已超過150年歷史,目前在**設立多家公司,產品行銷到世界80多個國家,在高科技潤滑油領域具有崇高的聲譽和領導地位的高科技潤滑油公司。MOTUL品牌從2006年底正式進入中國市場,并先后已經在上海,北京,廣州, 成都及西安設立代表處。Focused on improving the reliability and performance of lubricants, MOTUL dramatically altered the lubrication industry by producing several world's first and hence, set forth to shape the history of motor lubricants.1953 - the launch of the World's 1st Multigrade Motor Oil.1966 - the launch of the World's 1st Semi-Synthetic Motor Oil.1971 - the launch of the World's 1st 100% Synthetic Motor Oil.Till today, MOTUL continues in its tradition of producing superior quality lubricants by turning its technological innovations into real products for the automotive world. From Turbo Engine Oils to Catalytic Mufflers to Brake Fluids and Transmission Oils, MOTUL has been and continues to be the favored name.An environmental-conscious organization, MOTUL has concentrated its efforts in developing cleaner and more environmental-friendly products. MOTUL has also invested in recycling programs, offering consumers a cleaner and greener way of living.Currently headquartered in Paris, France, the MOTUL line of premium performance products is sold in about 100 countries today.