企優托(江蘇)科技集團有限公司成立于2013年初,由多年從事阿里巴巴、天貓運營推廣優化、搜索營銷等6位專業人員組建而成的,是一家致力于提供**優質B2B2C運營服務公司。公司目前在蘇州、無錫、鄭州、諸暨等分別都成立了分公司,員工近千人。公司自成立以來專注于互聯網營銷推廣,主營業務涵蓋店鋪整體托管、視覺設計、客服外包、產品攝影、視頻廣告、軟件開發與培訓咨詢,重點打造了阿里平臺的鉆展與直通車托管系統,并開拓了百度平臺優化,依托“互聯網+”行動計劃,幫助企業快速建立全新的銷售系統。公司在2017年底又相繼成立了一網推+雙創空間,助力企業轉型提速,幫助企業孵化更多的電商基地,開啟“互聯網+”時代的新商業未來。Established in early 2013, enterprise technology group co., ltd ( Jiangsu ) is a high-efficiency and high-quality b2b2c operation service company, which is formed by 6 professionals engaged in Alibaba, tmall operation promotion optimization, search marketing and other fields for many years.At present, the company has established branches in Suzhou, Wuxi, Zhengzhou, zhuji and so on, with nearly 1,000 employees.Since its establishment, the company has focused on internet marketing promotion. its main business covers overall store hosting, visual design, customer service outsourcing, product photography, video advertising, software development and training consulting, focusing on building Ali platform drilling and through train hosting system, and exploring Baidu platform optimization, relying on the " internet plus" action plan, to help enterprises quickly establish a brand-new sales system.At the end of 2017, the company set up a network of push + double creation space one after another, helping enterprises to speed up the transformation, help enterprises hatch more e-commerce base, open the " internet plus" era of new business future.