前海聚星匯(深圳)實業有限公司成立于2016年,坐落在中國深圳。是一家專業從事進出口貿易與供應鏈管理的服務商。公司專注于平行進口汽車的開發和管理,以“坦誠,平等”為品牌方向,以“客戶需求”為導向,持之以恒的為客戶提供精品服務,立志成為對品質不懈追求的汽車行業領跑者。 聚星匯聚焦于美國、加拿大、墨西哥、歐洲及中東,開發采購精品車型,擁有眾多不同品牌的車源,產品涵蓋奢侈超跑、豪華SUV、轎車、跑車、皮卡等多種汽車類型。基于對市場發展的精準判斷,對消費者需求的敏銳洞悉,以及對高品質的不懈追求,公司經過長時間操作積累,聚星匯產生了強大的市場影響力和品牌競爭力,贏得客戶高度認可。 作為負責任的企業公民,聚星匯所采購的車輛配合**知名船運公司,從世界各地港口輸送回到中國。經由天津新港、深圳大鏟灣等港口,遵法守法的完成報關流程。更難能可貴的是,聚星匯戰略合作汽車物流伙伴,已建立起全國主要干線運輸的物流服務網,實現**運營和敏捷創新。 聚星匯城市展廳項目,集中了金融、養護、升級、二手車置換等高品質服務。為客戶提供優勢的車輛服務方案,幫助客戶享受高品質汽車的工作、生活和便利體驗。時代慷慨賦予我們的歷史性機遇,以感恩之心感激每一個顧客,和所有聚星匯的合作者共贏。 QianHaiMULTIPLE STAR (Shenzhen) Industrial Co., Ltd., founded in 2016, is located inShenzhen, China. It is a service provider specializing in import and exporttrade and supply chain management. The company focuses on the development andmanagement of parallel import vehicles. It takes "honesty andequality" as the brand direction, "customer needs" as theguidance, and consistently provides customers with excellent services, and isdetermined to become the leader in the automotive industry. MULTIPLESTAR AUTO focuses on the development of boutique models in the United States,Canada, Mexico, Europe and the Middle East. It has many different brand ofvehicle source, including luxury car, luxury SUV, sports car, pickup truck and many othervehicle types. Based on the accurate judgement of the market development, thekeen insight into the needs of consumers and the relentless pursuit of highquality, the company has accumulated strong market influence and brandcompetitiveness after long time operation. MULTIPLE STAR AUTO has won highlyrecognition from customers. Asa responsible corporate citizen, the vehicles purchased by MULTIPLE STAR AUTOare transported back to China from the ports around the world with the world'swell-known shipping companies. Through the Tianjin Xin Gang, the Shenzhen DaChan Bay and other ports, the customs law-abiding customs declaration process.Even more valuable is that MULTIPLE STAR AUTO strategic cooperation vehiclelogistics partners have established the main logistics service network of mainline transportation to achieve efficient operation and agile innovation. MULTIPLESTAR AUTO city exhibition hall project, which focuses on high quality servicessuch as finance, maintenance, upgrading, used car replacement and so on. Toprovide the customer with the advantage of the vehicle service program to helpcustomers enjoy high quality car work, life and convenience experience. Thetime has given us a historic opportunity to be grateful to every customer andto win with al.