Staray (Shanghai) international engineering Co., Ltd. is a new company established aiming at the booming market of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) industries. The technology and management of the company originates from USA. Utilizing its rich management experiences and advanced technology from Houston, the “Oil and Gas Capital” of the world, the company offers consultant services in engineering and design, construction management, etc., for the LNG industries worldwide.LNG industry positions itself as a cutting-edge industry expanding in very fast speed recently in correspondence to the demand of clean energy of countries around the world. Staray’s customers include many major oil and gas operating companies in USA, Japan, Southeast Asia, as well as China. This enables Staray to offer you an internationally oriented working environment and broad space of career development. In the meantime, Staray will provide you with competitive salary and benefit package.If interested, please send your resume together with a cover letter identifying your availability status and the time you need before reporting to the position once the employment agreement is finalized and signed. Please forward the files to the following contact:E-mail:??HR@staray-tech辰一(上海)石油天然氣工程技術有限公司是一家定位于正在蓬勃發展的LNG(液化天然氣)工業的高科技公司,其管理和技術均來自美國。公司管理層和技術研發團隊利用其源于世界石油之都美國休斯敦的先進技術和豐富經驗,在**范圍內為LNG工業提供設計、工程咨詢、建造管理,等服務。LNG是近年來應世界各國對清潔能源日漸增長的需求迅速擴展的尖端行業,辰一的客戶群涵蓋美國、日本、東南亞及國內各大油氣公司,可為有志者提供國際化的工作環境以及寬廣的事業發展平臺,同時我們為員工提供具有競爭力的薪資和福利。有意向者,請按下列地址和聯系方式提交簡歷和求職信,注明目前工作狀態、以及一旦錄用后可以到位的時間。電子郵箱:HR@staray-tech