As one of the leading companies in the automation industry in Europe, ruhlamat has opened a subsidiary production site in Suzhou in 1998 . More than 220 employees of ruhlamat ( Suzhou ) offer the services and technologies of customized automation and standard device in automotive part and electric industries in China until end of 2012 .RCS offers the same quality standard as its German parent company , it has over the years become a well-known player in the industry in China . Despite the diversity of the industry and development of the marketitself , RCS covers “ the Greater Shanghai Area ” and has customers all over China . After a major change in general management its target is to become the No.1 player in the industry in China .Welcome to joining in ruhlamat, we will offer competitive compensation and welfare system and related oversea training opportunities.儒拉瑪特自動化技術(德國)早建立于1962年。自1990年結束鐘表部件制造后,于1991年9月25日正式成立儒拉瑪特自動化技術有限公司。作為歐洲知名自動化公司在中國的分支,儒拉瑪特(蘇州)于1998年落戶蘇州工業園區。目前,儒拉瑪特蘇州已有超過230名員工正在為中國汽車零部件、電子等行業提供定制自動化系統的服務和技術支持,在2013年僅儒拉瑪特蘇州的銷售額已達2億元左右。秉承德國總公司對品質的精確和嚴謹理念,儒拉瑪特已在中國的定制自動化行業享有斐然聲譽,早已成為自動化行業的領導者。儒拉瑪特不斷發展壯大,業務遍布**,相繼在武漢、合肥、印度、及美國成立了分公司,為更緊密地聯系當地的客戶提供了便利。2012年,儒拉瑪特自動化技術(蘇州)有限公司合肥分公司正式成立,集設計,生產,車間及服務為一體,短短一年多的時間,發展迅猛,進一步壯大成為子公司--儒拉瑪特自動化技術(合肥)有限公司。歡迎加入儒拉瑪特,我們將為您提供具有競爭力的薪資福利體系以及相應的海外培訓機會。員工福利:完善的員工培訓體系每年一度的員工健康檢查每年一度的旅游活動豐富的員工業余活動頻繁的出國機會經理人培養計劃員工醫療保險補充雙休,5天8小時工作制