蘇州美吉亞電子科技有限公司是MajorLabel(USA)Co.,Ltd的全資子公司,負責大中華區市場的拓展與服務。 蘇州美吉亞依托母公司積累的豐富的行業應用經驗,引進國外標簽材料,為國內制造業的標識系統提供一站式解決方案。 專業的行業應用經驗,技術過硬的技術員工,優良的生產設備,更讓我們成為德國S+PGmHb公司的授權模切商。 蘇州美吉亞電子科技有限公司,注冊資本500萬人民幣,依托母公司在**制造業巨頭中累積的優質資源,積極拓展中國市場。我們憑借優質的產品,快速的服務響應,專業的技術服務,成為中國電子制造業,鋼鐵冶金業,醫療化工業,服裝紡織業,的標簽及模切產品供應商。 美吉亞中國團隊,基于對**電子、鋼鐵、化工、醫療、服裝等行業生產流程及制造技術的豐富經驗,專于制造業中標簽及模切產品的應用,為中國制造業企業提供品質優異、價格合理的標簽及模切產品,更提供全程品質追溯的創新解決方案,為客戶創造價值。 在美吉亞,我們推崇“手握手,齊受益”的企業文化,就如我們的LOGO,員工與公司、客戶與公司、供應商與公司,一起平等協作,攜手共贏,同創未來! Major Electronic Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. –a branch company with registered capital of CNY 5,000,000 established to extend the market in China by parent company who owns great resources in global manufacturers. Great products, quick-response service and professional technical service bring Major the leading supplier of labels and die-cut products in the industries of electronic, steel, medical, apparel and textile. Major’s team in China has rich experience of the production processing and manufacturing technologies in the industry of electronic, steel, medical, apparel and textile, focusing the application of labels and die-cut products. So Major is able to provide products of great quality and reasonable price, and innovative solutions of entire quality tracking in processing to manufacturers in China. In Major, we believe ‘Cooperation Bring Benefit’. Just like the LOGO of Major, it is a sign of meaning that the equal cooperation between staffs and company, customers and company, and supplier and company will bring a win-win future.