南京沃鍛精密機械致力于鍛壓機械銷售。公司生產本部設有壓力機技術研究中心,數控板料技術研究中心,重型機床技術研究中心。通過擴大與美,德,日,瑞士,意大利等國專業公司以及國內十余家高校,科研院所的合作和產研聯合,迅速發展和完善數控鍛壓設備等高科技產品。主要產品共有20余系列200多個品種大中小型壓力機。其中主要包括JH21氣動壓力機, JH25系列開始雙點壓力機,JW36, JX36系列閉式雙點壓力機,以及液壓板料折彎機,剪板機,等。廣泛應用于航天,汽車制造,通信,電器,計算機等領域。產品遠銷到東南亞,南美,歐洲和南非等地。 為擴大國外市場,南京沃鍛招賢納士,如果您熱愛對外銷售工作,對鍛壓機械行業有經驗并且有極大的熱情,踏實努力,不斷學習。我們歡迎您加入我們的精英團隊! Since the establishment, World Precise MachineryCo.,Ltd has been dedicating to the forging equipments, and it is one of the oldest and most professional forging equipment manufacturers in the industry. The main products include metal forming machine tools of press including mechanical press, pneumatic press, open-closed, single-point, double-points, high speed, C-frame, H-frame, and etc. of models J23, JH23, J21, J21S, JH21, JS31, JW31, JH31, JH25, JS36, JH36, JW36, JX36. Plate-shearing machine, press brake of models QC11Y, QC12Y, WC67Y,WE67K of dozens of specification, and more than 100 varieties. The products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, South America and South Africa. It is the forging equipment manufacturer with the largest scale, most kinds, and widest sales service network in the industry.