山東星之誠生物科技有限公司是一家中外合資的高新技術企業,廠區坐落于濟南高新技術產業開發區,集研發、生產、營銷、服務為一體,主要致力于醫用生物高分子敷料的自主研發、制備及產業化,同時與美國、日本、韓國等科研機構的保持密切的高新技術交流合作,企業提倡科技為本的綠色生活新理念,旨在為人類提供盡善盡美的天然生物醫療產品。持續改進,追求卓越,企業嚴格按照《醫療器械監督管理條例》建設標準化的凈化車間、國際的生物實驗室,并嚴格按照《醫療器械生產質量管理規范》、ISO13485、ISO9001的要求建立了完善的質量管理體系。以完善的質量管理體系為基石,以先進的工藝技術及可靠的設備、材料為根本,企業為社會提供了安全、有效的高品質醫療器械產品。依靠科技,加快創新,企業不斷攻堅克難、自我突破,取得了一系列的專利產品和研究成果,同時積極借鑒世界先進的生物科學技術,現已步入高速發展的新階段。Shandong Xingzhicheng Biological Technology Co.,Ltd isa high-tech Sino-foreign joint venture. Its factory is located in theinnovation zone of Jinan. The enterprise combines research and development,production, marketing, as well as services, and mainly works on the independentresearch and development, production, as well as industrialization of medicaldressings of biomacromolecules. In the field of new and high technologies, theenterprise keeps a close contact and cooperation with the experts from researchinstitutions of the USA, Japan, Korea, and other countries. The enterpriseadvocates a new concept of green living based on technologies, and devotesitself to providing perfect natural biomedical products for humans. The enterprise improves itself continuously andpursues excellence. It has built standardized purification shops andworld-class biology laboratories in strict accordance with Regulations on theSupervision and Management of Medical Equipment, and has established itsimpeccable quality management system in strict accordance with Regulations onthe Quality Management of Medical Equipment, requirements of ISO13485, andrequirements of ISO9001. By taking its impeccable quality management system asa foundation and basing itself on advanced techniques, dependable equipment,and reliable materials, the enterprise provides safe and effective medicalequipment of superior quality for the society. By depending on technologies andaccelerating innovations, the enterprise has been overcoming difficulties andmaking breakthroughs. In this way, it has developed a series of patentedproducts and achieved a series of research results. By working hard to learnadvanced world-class biotechnologies, the enterprise has entered a new phase ofhigh-speed development.