LUCITAG Ltd. Founded by a team of lighting professionals, has been seeing the growth of LED from its very beginning. The Lighting world is now requiring more spectrums of expertise of which not only technically sound but also understands how highquality lighting add values. Through our single-minded dedications and commitments, we will become your value partner for reliable and competitive LED systems. Our specialty lies in city landmarks, shopping malls, hospitality and museums. We provide full color changing and intelligent white lighting solutions as well as control systems.路絲拓戈照明系統是由一個照明應用團隊成立的專業公司,我們的團隊歷經了LED照明行業的起步和發展。現在的照明行業需要更專業的團隊,需要的也不僅僅是技術支持,更需要通過高質量的照明方案來提高每一個項目的附加值。通過我們專一的不懈努力,我們可以為更多的合作伙伴提供可靠的,有競爭力的LED照明系統。我們的方案專注于城市地標建筑,商業綜合體,酒店,及博物館美術館。我們提供全彩變化及智能白光的LED照明方案及控制系統。As a design-centric team, we would like to work closely with architects, interior designers, lighting consultants, property developers, end users to catch the essence of your brilliant minds about lighting, and translate them into digitalized lighting signal, manifested through the optical system within our professional products and services. We know lighting, thus we care about light quality.作為一個以設計應用為中心的照明團隊,我們緊密和建筑師,室內設計師,照明顧問,業主配合,抓住設計的精髓,通過我們的專業產品及服務,把每一個概念轉化數字化燈光。我們懂照明,因此我們更關注光的質量。公司組織機構為扁平化管理,淡化權勢和等級,流程簡化,提倡坦誠溝通,鼓勵員工創造價值。我們會為員工提供巨大的發展空間及豐厚的福利回報,并且會把你培養成為照明應用行業的。