成都譽景峰景觀工程設計有限公司是一家專注于居住區景觀規劃設計的專業公司。公司由一批具有專業設計理論及豐富實踐經驗的設計師團隊組成,秉承“專業作事,誠信作人”的服務理念,致力于提升客戶項目產品的附加值、為業主創造高品質的居住環境。公司目前在西南地區擁有廣泛而穩定的客戶群,先后與多家一線知名地產商建立了合作關系,服務項目遍及成都、德陽、重慶、西安、廈門、昆明、北海、桂林、武漢等地。公司憑借優質、務實、專業的設計和良好的項目全程跟蹤服務,贏得了眾多項目發展商的一致信任與高度贊譽。Chengdu YuJingFeng landscapedesign ltd is a professional landscape design company in residental planningdesign,Company by a group of professional design theory and rich practicalexperience of the designer team, adhering to the "professionalwork, the good faith as a person" service concept, is committed toimproving customer project the added value of products, to create high qualityliving environment for owner. Company is currently in the southwestern regionhas a broad and stable customer base, has a line with a number of well-knowndevelopers set up a partnership, service projects in chengdu, deyang, chongqing,xian, xiamen, kunming , north sea, guilin , wuhan and other places. Companieswith high quality, pragmatic, professional design and good project follow-upservice, won the unanimous trust and high praise of many project developers.·景觀規劃設計公司在城市居住區、旅游度假區、市政建設等方面的環境規劃及景觀設計,有著豐富、深厚的設計實踐經驗,尤其是在大中型綜合性開發項目上,業務貫通方案規劃、概念設計、擴初設計、施工圖設計、施工過程的設計監理等服務。我們所參與的每個景觀設計項目,均依據項目建設方對項目的定位,結合項目當地的歷史、文化、風俗特點以及氣候特征、地理環境條件進行設計,力求理念創新、現代、永恒,風格獨特。Landscape planning and designIn urban residential areas, tourist resort, municipal construction andother aspects of the environmental planning and landscape design, has a richexperience and profound design practice, especially in large and medium-sizedcomprehensive development projects, business through program planning, concept design,and construction drawing design for design, the design of the constructionprocess of supervision, etc.We engage in each of the landscape design project, according to theproject project owner of the project positioning, combining with the characteristicsof project of local history, culture, customs and the characteristics ofclimate, geographical environment condition to carry on the design, makes everyeffort to idea innovation, modern, eternal, unique style.-設計優勢·良好的設計效果,迅速提高客戶項目品質、提升項目產品附加值;·設計注重既控制建造成本,又達到很好的設計效果;·主動、全程的項目跟蹤服務,確保客戶溝通流暢、理念實施;·具有持續的品牌設計目標,客戶永遠是**的理念;·設計團隊人員配置齊全,專業知識全面扎實,設計經驗豐富;·與知名設計機構保持緊密合作,設計理念先進、實用。-design advantageGood design effect, rapidly improve customer project quality, enhanceproduct added value;? design pays attention to control the construction cost, and achievegood design effect;, active, the entire project tracking service to ensure customercommunication smooth, concept implementation;With continuous brand design goal, the customer is always the firstidea;Configuration is complete, the design team personnel, comprehensivesolid professional knowledge, rich design experience;? maintain close cooperation with overseas famous design institutions,advanced and practical design concept.