力巨國際物流(上海)有限公司新成立于2014年3月10日,是經國家工商部門批準成立的一家從事國際空運和海運貨物運輸代理的綜合型物流服務企業。我們是NVOCC成員,主要專注于從事包括海運和空運的傳統國際貨物運輸代理業務,以及提供食物(如紅酒,水果,蔬菜)、醫藥、化工品這類需要溫度控制的倉儲和卡車運輸代理等各種現代物流服務,我們提供的冷藏服務溫度控制范圍在-20℃~0℃和0℃~8℃。力巨國際物流(上海)有限公司在浦東國際機場有著專業和成熟的操作團隊,以及擁有溫控、制冷設備和冷藏車的800平米倉庫,具備提供倉儲包含普貨以及各種有控溫要求貨物的冷藏和派送服務。產品和服務? 空運/海運 貨運代理服務? 普貨、冷凍鮮活貨物倉儲? 關務? 派送? 包裝? 進出口貿易代理宗旨和愿景? ?經營宗旨:遵循“誠信務實,客戶**,服務**”的經營理念,不斷增強核心競爭力和可持續發展能力,為客戶創造價值,尊重和培養人才,努力把公司建設成為具有國際競爭力的現代綜合物流企業。? ?發展愿景:成為受人尊敬的、具備國際競爭力的、**的現代型綜合物流服務供應商。Huge Power International Logistics (Shanghai) Col.Ltd is a Chinese domestic enterprise with NVOCC license, Head Quartered in Shanghai, the international shipping center. It is newly incorporated in Shanghai on March 10th 2014, which has the license approved and issued by former Ministry of Commerce. We focus on modern logistics industry with the core of international forwarding, providing storage & truck service for the controlled temperature cargo, such as wine, fruits, vegetables, chemicals, medicines and so on. Our refrigeration service is including the deep-low temperature -20℃~0℃ and low temperature 0℃~8℃.HPI Logistics has a professional and mature operation team with more than 20 people in the airport, and 800 square meters warehouse with temperature control device, temperature alarm device, freezing & refrigerating vehicles.Products & Services? ?AIR FREIGHT / OCEAN FREIGHT FORWARDER? ?STORAGE FOR FROZEN OR FRESH CARGO? ?CUSTOMS BROKERAGE? ?DISTRIBUTION SERVICE? ?PACKING SERVICE? ?AGENCY FOR BOTH EXPORT AND IMPORT TRADEPrinciple & Vision? ?Operating principle: ?adheres to the "honesty, customer first, service the world" business philosophy, constantly improve our core competitiveness and team services, continuously provide safe, fast, effective logistics solutions, create value for customers, respect and training talents, so as to build the company into a modern comprehensive logistics enterprise with international competitiveness.? ?Development vision: ?to be a respected, international competitiveness, as well as the world’s leading modern integrated logistics service provider.