嘉信康和(北京)科技有限公司是致力于醫療器械產品出口的北京市中關村高新技術企業。公司整合了中國醫療器械中小企業制造商資源,運用大數據分析技術,基于**互聯網和自有電子商務平臺,依靠經驗豐富的品類管理、運營、推廣、銷售和售后團隊,以公司自有品牌進行精準外貿營銷,為**醫療器械經銷商、醫院診所客戶和健康終端客戶打造一個優質性價比醫療器械及健康產品供應鏈。公司總部位于北京,在美國、深圳、武漢設有分公司和辦事處,擁有數百名來自國內外的綜合型高素質人才。?Beijing Carejoy Technology Co., Ltd.is a high-tech enterprise in Beijing's Zhongguancun Science Park that devotesitself to the export of medical equipment. By integrating China’s SME resourcesof medical devices, taking advantages of the global Internet, its owne-commerce platform and big data analysis techniques, relying on experienced teamsof category management, operations, marketing, sales and after-sales, and carryingout ??precision trade marketing of its own brand,Carejoy has created a cost-effective supply chain of medical equipment andhealthy products for medical device distributors, hospitals and health clinics,and end users throughout the world.Carejoy is headquartered in Beijing,with branches and offices in the United States, Shenzhen, and Wuhan. There are hundredsof all-round and top-quality talents from home and abroad in Carejoy.?嘉信康和已成為中國醫療健康產品跨境出口電商領域內的領軍企業,公司通過結合合作伙伴的研發和制造優勢以及自身的供應鏈優勢、營銷優勢、服務優勢和**的物流優勢,產品暢銷**100多個國家,成功將業務范圍輻射到美國、歐洲、亞洲及南美市場,并先后在美國、德國、英國建立了海外物流倉儲中心。Carejoyhas become an industry leader of medical equipment export in the China’s cross-bordere-commerce. Carejoy successfully combines its own strengths in strong supplychain, powerful marketing, good services and efficient logistics with theadvantages of cooperative partner’s development and production, which makesCarejoy have sold products to overseas markets of more than 100 foreigncountries and succeeded in enlarging its business to United States, Germany,Britain, Australia, Canada, Argentina, France, Cuba and other English, Frenchand Spanish markets. Furthermore, Carejoy has established many overseaslogistics and warehousing center successively in the United States, Germany,and Britain.?嘉信康和擁有國內具優勢的醫療器械供應商資源,已建立醫用電子及超聲、手術急救、口腔醫療、美容儀器、**檢驗和實驗儀器等幾大產品線,近10000個醫療產品,為國際市場醫療器械客戶提供了高性價比的醫療解決方案。公司通過了德國MedCert的ISO13485醫療質量管理體系認證,相關產品獲得了FDA及CE認證。公司擁有自主研發的多項技術成果,包括B超、血氧儀、胎心儀、光固化機、醫用頭燈及心電圖機等多個產品,并取得多項軟件著作權和外觀專利知識產權。Carejoy has the best domesticresources of medical equipment suppliers, and has set up many main product linesin medical electron, ultrasound, emergency surgery, oral health, beauty apparatus,clinical testing and laboratory equipment, nearly 10,000 medical products and hasbeen providing the cost-effective medical solutions to the customers of internationalmarket. Carejoy has already passed the ISO13485 medical quality managementsystem by MedCert of Germany and the related products have gained FDA and CEcertificate. Through independent research and development, Carejoy has madenumerous technological achievements, including B ultrasound, oximeter, fetal doppler,light curing machine, medical headlamp, electrocardiogram machines and otherproducts. Accordingly, Carejoy owns many software copyrights and designpatents.嘉信康和秉承以“關注健康,質量**,服務卓越,**信賴”的核心理念,樹立中國醫療器械自有知識產權品牌新形象,以便捷供應消費渠道、良好購物體驗服務于**醫療健康保健領域消費者。Carejoy has always been adhering tothe core concept of "Health Oriented, Quality First, Service Excellent, TrustWorldwide", and aimed at building new image of China’s independentintellectual property brand in medical equipment and providing consumers in healthcarearea of the whole world with convenient supply channel and satisfying shoppingexperience.