北京光湖普瑞照明設計有限公司成立于2010年,隨著業務的不斷擴展,于2014年注冊香港普瑞酒店照明子公司,Purilighting專業于光環境研究與設計,以細膩的光影為工具,結合美學藝術與科技,營造視覺感強烈的建筑及空間感受。 Established in 2010, Beijing Guanghu Purilighting Co, Ltd registered its HK subsidiary: HK Puri Hotel-Lighting Design Company in 2014. Purilighting focuses on the design and research on lighting environment with delicate tools of light and shadow to create buildings and spatial sensation with strong visual effects. 我們擁有豐富的設計經驗,項目遍布全國各地。地產公司、商業集團、酒店管理公司、及各地設計單位和政府機關都是我們的服務及合作伙伴。普瑞設計以打造光環境的理念,服務于建筑照明設計、室內照明設計、景觀照明設計、城市照明規劃等多個照明專業領域。 We have rich experience in the design and project all over the country .Real estate company, the business group, hotel management companies, design units and government agencies all over the country are our service and cooperation partners。 Puri lighting services in the building lighting design, indoor lighting, landscape lighting design, urban planning, and other illumination fields to make a perfect lighting environment. 普瑞設計以光影為基礎,為環境中的人提供更加舒適、藝術的空間感受;為客戶提供專業的光環境咨詢服務。 Puri lighting provides more comfortable environment and comfortable feeling of space. We also provide customers with the light environment of professional advisory services by being based on light. 用我們的創意,以光為畫筆,用光與影展現建筑空間藝術。 我們研究人、光、被照物的關系。