重慶藍岸通訊技術有限公司于2013年10月成立,總部設立在重慶,分別在北京,上海設有研發中心,深圳設有銷售中心。2014年六月英特爾資本入股藍岸,2016年12月世界第二大代工廠偉創力入股藍岸,藍岸通訊成為既有國際背景也有強大本地資源的高科技公司。公司是以物聯網終端以及應用軟件為核心產品的創新型品牌企業,同時也從事智能手機和平板電腦(統稱智能終端)等消費市場終端的ODM業務:利用和芯片平臺供應商的戰略關系,用消費市場終端拉動銷量,支持供應鏈,并在物聯網市場大力創新;藍岸通訊在國外市場以大客戶設計生產代工為主,不推動自己的品牌;在國內用藍岸品牌推動物聯網系統的銷售。 藍岸通訊創業團隊脫胎于國內的ODM團隊,是中國手機設計制造業的原生代,有豐富的產品開發經驗。在前一家公司,現在已加入藍岸通訊的一百多名工程師,和國內國際的許多大客戶合作過:和摩托羅拉合作,為美國大的運營商Verizon,Sprint以及中國的中國移動設計生產過數百萬臺手機;為諾基亞在全世界包括中國移動設計生產了數百萬臺手機,發貨到**20多個國家;為華為設計生產了超過1000萬臺手機,發貨四大洲。公司創業團隊優勢如下:1.曾多次與世界品牌商合作,掌握先進開發流程2.良好的國際視野與國際客戶關系3.長達七年的磨合經歷,默契的團隊配合及良好的團隊合作精神4.與平臺廠商微軟,英特爾長遠的戰略合作關系5.熟知智能終端產品的研發與運營公司秉承誠信,**,進取,團結的原則,目標將重慶藍岸通訊技術有限公司做成為中國強的物聯網系統的研發設計以及生產廠家之一。Bluebank Communication Technology Co.Limited was founded inOctober 2013, head-quartered in Chongqing, with R&D centers in Beijing andShanghai, and sales center in Shenzhen. In December 2016, the world’s secondlargest foundries-Flextronics became one of bluebank’s shareholders after Intelinvested Bluebank in June 2014, Bluebank is now a high-tech company with stronglocal resources and international background at the same time.Bluebank is an innovative company whose core products are IoTterminals and applications, we also engage in intelligent terminals such aswearable smart devices and tablets PCs. By harnessing the strategicrelationship with terminal platform suppliers, this firm boosts its sales viapublic terminals to zin the support from its suppliers and made a profitthrough wearable devices and industry terminals.Bluebank grew out of a top-notch ODM team in China and has longbeen in the business of electronic communication. Having a long history ofdesigning products, the company is one of the starters of China's phone designindustry and has done businesses with renowned clients in and out of China. Forinstance, it worked with Motorola to design and produce over two million phonesfor Verizon and Sprint, America's largest operators, with Huawei, over 10 millionphones and shipped to four continents.Bluebank is cooperating with customers from Europe, Latin America,Africa, America and leading customers in China, and has successfully shippedits products to Europe and China. Our team has advantages as follows:- Work often with theworld’s leading brands, have a good command of knowledge in advanceddevelopment process.- A good internationalperspective and international customer relations- Up to seven yearsworking experience, we have an excellent team with tacit cooperation.- long-term strategic cooperativerelations with platform vendors such as Intel and Microsoft.- know intimately thedevelopment and operation of intelligent terminals products.Our company uphold the principle of integrity, efficiency,progress and unity, aiming to improve bluebank become one of best R&Ddesign companies and manufacturers in intelligent ternimals and IoT system.