上海左香花邊有限公司,是一家集設計,生產,染整,銷售為一體的綜合性公司。公司專業經營各種蕾絲面料,蕾絲花邊,棉鉤花邊,刺繡花邊,水溶花邊,棉鉤領花,水溶領花,網眼布等。產品適用于女士時裝,女式內衣,禮服,童裝等。產品遠銷國內外。公司不僅可以提供各種花邊供客戶選擇,還可以按客戶要求免費安排打樣。提供優質快捷的服務,為廣大客戶提供一站式采購平臺。 公司一直堅持“以人為本”的理念,以誠信作為公司發展的宗旨,力求實現公司與客戶的雙贏。?Shanghai Zuoxiang Lace Co.LTD, established in 2002. We are manufacturerproviding comprehensive range of trims, including lace, crochet, fabrics and soon, widely used on diversified kinds of garments for ladies and children,underwear and interior decoration. We can not only provide you with variedsamples of our products but also produce as your require.??There are more than 400 staffs in our company; the area ofour company is about 23,000 square meters now. We are now equipped with over100 sets of mechanical and electronic warp knitting machine made by Karl MayerGermany and the computerized designing system of Cadet Company, Spain. Theannual output is about 4million running meters.??We are provide products with our concern for the interests ofall people who touch or are touched by our company.??We are willing to establish business relationship with you!陳振 13391009383