深圳市好又高電子科技有限公司辦公地址,位于深圳市寶安區松崗街道紅星社區松明大道(溫屋段)五排三號永淳商務大廈406室。工廠地址位于廣東省清遠市經濟開發區安豐工業園盈富工業區M1-04、05A號地,公司成立于2006年,是專業生產各種高檔單面、雙面、多層印刷線路板(PCB)和各種特殊材料PCB的專業廠商,年生產能力為35萬平方米,現擁有一批經驗豐富的管理人才和技術人才,同時公司購進了一批先進的生產設備與檢驗設備,公司發展目標是未來產品朝著輕薄、短小,小孔徑細線路的方向發展。 ?????? 公司目前主要生產產品為:通信、電腦周邊產品、儀表儀器、安防、車載等消費型產品提供優質的電路板。“全員參與、持續改進,為客戶提供滿意的品質、交期與服務” 是公司一貫奉行的品質方針。我們熱切期待能成為你們可信賴的合作伙伴。公司核心價值觀 客戶**???? 始終把客戶放在**位,關注客戶需求,并關注“客戶之客戶”的需求,從而真正了解客戶的業務,幫助客戶獲得成功。 成長與分享?????當前的外部環境為公司的成長提供了絕好的機會,公司的成長是客戶、員工、股東共同的利益所在,公司價值的成長應該為客戶、股東、員工充分分享: ????股東實現價值成長,分享企業的社會責任; ????員工實現理想抱負,分享企業價值的成長; ????客戶獲得優質服務,分享開放的資源平臺。持之以恒?????“持之以恒、生生不息”是好又高的核心精神,也是好又高有別于其他企業的特點所在。????以遠大的胸懷,設立長期目標,持續不懈地努力工作,一定能夠獲得后的成功。 核心競爭力??????長期關注行業與網絡技術發展積累的專業能力和創新能力 ????長期堅持客戶**積累的客戶滿意度和品牌形象 ????持續優化、**的管理機制和流程體系 ????團隊合作的、訓練有素的專業人才隊伍 HOYOGO ??is a state of the art high-tech Printed Circuit Board supplier with production plant in China. It was founded in 2006, when the founders saw agrowing need among the OEM/EMS companies for integrated supplying service ofhigh density, high precision, high reliability PCB in the market. With decades’professional experience in the PCB industry, they pursued a solution to the issue by setting up HOYOGO, and organized a professional and experienced team of management and technical staff. ?? Our factory is located inYingFu lndustrial Area, AnFeng lndustrial Park, QingYuan High Tech DevelopmentZone, QingYuan, specializing in the producti?on of various high-endsingle-sided, double sided, multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) and avariety of special materials and professional PCB’s manufacturing, with invested capital about USD 25million, the current plant area is about40,000sqm, and monthly production capacity reaches 70,000sqm. Hoyogo focused in providing the solution for an extensive range of boards in field of computer, telecommunication, Digital consumerproducts, Power supply, industrial control,automotive, high railway, aerospace, medical and other electronic assemblyindustries. Compliance with high quality standards, UL, ISO9001,ISO/TS16949, ISO14001 Certified, we offer our customers the best possibleproducts at the most competitive prices and time efficiency from quick-turnaround, low-to-medium-volume, and high-mix production.website:www.hygpcb