山東依道建筑工程機械有限公司位于美麗泉城濟南,依托中國重汽和山東重工企業,整合國內外資源為國內外客戶提供性價比好的工程解決方案。主要業務有工程方案咨詢,設備供應,技術指導,配件供應,服務培訓,物流支持等,為客戶提前全套的管家式服務。 目前在濟南擁有兩個專用車生產基地,與卡特彼勒,現代,臨工,徐工,柳工,山推,三一,中聯,鴻達等國內外一線品牌合作,根據不同客戶工程對設備的需求,提供一攬子解決方案。解決了客戶困于一個項目奔走于不同的供應商之間,為客戶大大節約時間和降低成本。在后市場方面,憑借多年的經驗和供應商關系,為客戶提供后市場支持,尤其在配件方面可保證質優價廉和供貨準確及時性。公司以為客戶創造價值為**核心價值觀,在西非和東南亞設有辦事處,我們**的同事與客戶一起見證一個又一個的成就,和客戶一起同呼吸共命運,精誠合作,發展共贏。SINOMTP is located in Ji’Nan city, based on SINOTRUCK and heavy industrial corporates from Shandong province, SINOMTP aims to provide the project solutions with best cost performance to customers from China and abroad. Our main business are construction solutions consultancy, equipments supply, technical instruction, parts supply, service & training, logistic support and etc, providing the steward type service.Currently, we have two special truck production bases in Ji’Nan city. We also cooperate with CAT, Hyundai, SDLG, XCMG, Liugong, Shantui, Sany, Zoomlion, Hongda and other premium brands to provide tailored project solutions to your specific needs. We can help you to avoid long-time communication with different suppliers, which will save you time and cost. As to after market, with many years’ experience in the industry and long-term partnership with the suppliers, we do provide timely after market with lower cost and higher availability.Creating more values for our customer is the first core value of SINOMTP. We have offices in West Africa andSoutheastAsia. Both our teams and our customers witness progress one after another; we share the same breath with our customers and sincerely cooperate for win-win growth.