曼普洛教育集團(MindXplorerEducation Association)總部位于美國 , 2014年5月在北京成立中國公司 - 曼普洛 ( 北京 ) 教育文化交流有限公司。本著引進西方前沿的教育管理理念,探索中國教育的新模式,宣傳中國教育改革取得的新成果。通過引進西方先進教育理念和教育資源 , 為中西雙方學區 ( 教委 )、學校、學生提供交流與學習的平臺,使中西方教育在深層次的交流溝通中互取所長。我們通過教育工作者國際培訓課程(SCHOOL)、職業教育合作(InVEST)、第三方教育評估(GOAL Assessment)、國際教育論壇(MXE Forum)、曼普洛教育基金(MXE Fund)、外籍教師事務(TERM)、外籍學生進中國(TEACH)、國際實習生(GAIN)、定制留學(CSA)、冬夏令營(DREAM Camp)等項目為中國培養新一代的國際化人才提供優質的教育資源。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MindXplorerEducation Association, LLC, headquartered in the United States and China, was founded in May 2014 in Beijing, China.MindXplorerseeks to be on the forefront of?the introduction of western education management concepts to China and promoteChinese education reform through exploring international education systems. Through the introduction of advanced educational philosophy and educational resources, bothChinese and Western school districts, boards of education, administration, faculty and students can benefit from a shared learning platform and in-depth communication.MindXplorerworks within over 10 education bureaus representing more than 50 schoolsinChina.MindXploreroffers excellent educational resources to cultivate a new generation of international talent through training courses (SCHOOL), vocational education cooperation (InVEST), international education forums (MXE Forum), third-party assessment of education (GOAL Assessment), the development of distance education, academic planning, theMindXplorerEducation Fund (MXE Fund) and othercooperations.