我公司主要生產銷售浸膠勞保手套,堅持以質量求生存 以信譽求發展,與多家批發商和代理商建立了長期穩定的合作關系。我司經銷的勞保手套質量,品種齊全、價格合理,深受國內外客戶的歡迎,產品遠銷美國、歐洲、日本、澳大利亞、中東等20多個國家和地區。我們所有銷售產品均簽訂訂購合同、保證產品質量,保證交期,確保穩定的供應關系。如果需要我們的產品,請盡快與我們聯系,期待能與您合作。
Making the quality gloves with the craftsmanship.
Our facotry mainlly produces dipping working gloves. Strive for survival,development and efficiency on the basis of sincerity.We establish a long and stable cooperation with the wholesalers and agents at home and abroad. Our products are warmly welcome by the cusotmers around the world because we keep the A-level quality,various types and competitive prices. Our products are sold to The USA,Europe,Japan,Australia,Middle East and so on, totally more than 20 countries and regions. All of our products must be produced according to the salescontract signed. All details must follow it and make sure the quality and shipment date.Please feel free to contact with us in time if you have any interest. Hope to find a way to cooperate with you.