勇克集團:**勇克集團是CBN高速磨床生產的**者。在其機床種類中擁有多種多樣的創新型磨削方案。我們作為理想的合作伙伴提供給集團公司、中型企業和小型公司各自不同的磨削加工方案。所有著名的汽車生產商及其供應商,以及工具生產商和其他工業領域的用戶信賴勇克的技術。無論是大規模生產還是小批量生產:勇克機床一如既往的精密、經濟和可靠。勇克集團是個強大的集體。大約1200名員工在**12個公司內從事著研發、銷售和生產經營活動。相當多的專利技術證明了公司在技術上的。好的例證是QUICKPOINT點磨技術和使用CBN砂輪和金剛石砂輪的高速磨削。我們的目標不僅僅是銷售**磨床,也包括之后的服務。借助勇克售后服務業務我們成功地做到了這點。不斷擴大的服務網絡在**范圍內保證著每臺勇克磨床的可使用性。勇克服務業務從培訓,熱線服務和維修保養到面向未來的服務,如生產陪同或者生產程序優化。The JUNKER Group: a global specialistThe JUNKER Group is a world leading manufacturer of CBN high-speed grinding machines and offers a host of innovative grinding concepts from its machine portfolio. The ideal partner for diverse grinding applications, we supply entire groups, as well as medium-sized and small companies. All the renowned automobile manufacturers and suppliers, tool makers and companies in other industries rely on JUNKER technologies. For either mass or small series production: JUNKER machines are highly precise, economical and reliable.The JUNKER Group is a strong community. Some 1,200 employees realize corporate development, sales and production at 12 sites worldwide. Numerous patents pay testimony to the company’s technological leadership. Prime examples are the QUICKPOINT technology and the high-speed grinding with CBN and diamond grinding wheels.Yet our goal extends to more than just the sale of highly-productive grinding machines. JUNKER Services now enables us to provide aftercare. The constantly growing service network around the globe supports the availability of each and every JUNKER grinding machine. JUNKER Services include training programs, a service hotline and maintenance, as well as future-oriented services such as production support or process optimization.