With total assets of over 5 billion CNY and more than 6000 employees, HENGFENG is one of the leading tyre manufacturers in Chinasince 1995. The production base is consisted of four plants, covering an areaof approximately 1.6 square kilometers. HENGFENG specializes in the designing, improving andmanufacturing of radial tire widely used in passenger car (PCR), SUV, 4X4,truck and bus (TBR) in all seasons and road conditions. Its annual capacity forTBR is now over 4 million pieces/sets, for PCR which is now over 14 millionpieces. The capacity is growing continuously as the production base is stillexpanding.HENGHENG takes pride in its strong R&D team andadvance testing facilities, which assure the excellent and stable quality ofits product. Many of HENGENG’s equipment are imported from Europe, UnitedStates and Japan.HENGFENG also built a comprehensive quality assurance system.The company was certified by the US Department of Transportation (DOT), theEconomic Center of Europe (ECE), ISO/TS16949 and the INMETRO of Brazil. And itsproducts have been certified by CCC, GCC, BIS, SNI, SONCAP and many otherquality standards required by different countries.山東恒豐橡塑有限公司,中國的輪胎生產商之一,地處渤海之濱,黃河三角洲藍色生態經濟區中心城市東營市,位置優越,交通便利。公司成立于1995年,占地面積約200萬平方米,總資產超過50億人民幣,員工10000余人,恒豐在山東東營及臨沂擁有六家工廠:600萬套規模的全鋼載重子午線輪胎廠、2400萬套規模的半鋼子午線輪胎廠、橡膠機械廠及熱電廠,集開發設計、生產和銷售為一體的集團化企業。 企業堅持技術創新,以國家級技術中心為開發平臺,并從歐洲,美國,日本等地引進世界先進制造技術和生產設備,建立了完善的質量保證體系,通過了國家強制性產品認證(CCC)認證,ISO9001國際質量體系認證,, TS16949質量體系認證, 美國交通部質量安全(DOT)認證和美國環保署(EPA )SmartWay認證, 歐洲經濟委員會產品安全(ECE)認證和歐盟REACH、巴西INMETRO、印度BIS、印尼SNI、尼日利亞SONCAP、烏拉圭LATU 等各種國內外認證。公司“雙豐”品牌是中國馳名商標,同時公司是省級重合同守信用企業、省級產品免檢單位、省級AAA級信用企業、省級消費者滿意單位及納稅A級企業。 恒豐專業于生產各種子午線輪胎,產品可廣泛用于轎車、越野車、卡車、客車等。公司同時也生產冬季胎,產品規格齊全,質量優越,行銷全國并遠銷歐洲、美洲、非洲、中東、東南亞等世界各地。 山東恒豐橡塑有限公司堅持“團結、拼搏、務實、**”的發展理念,竭誠歡迎海內外各界業者共同參與,共謀發展。