一、公司的簡介:深圳華迅成立于2001 年,致力于成為中國的航空綜合服務供應商,為航空公司、航空維修公司、航空制造企業和通用航空企業提供航空油料、航空化工材料、航空消耗材料、航空金屬原材料、及航空地面工具設備的倉儲、銷售和配送服務。深圳華迅總部位于深圳,目前在北京、上海、廣州、西安、成都、廈門、海口、昆明以及沈陽設有辦事處和一個香港全資子公司。我司經營產品范圍涵蓋了潤滑油、潤滑脂、液壓油、防腐劑、除銹劑、清洗劑、密封膠、油漆、膠帶、膠黏劑、表面處理、無損探傷、噴丸、內飾材料、除冰/防冰產品等數十類、數千種產品。我司目前是殼牌(Shell)、漢高(Henkel)、3M、ITW、磁通(MAGNAFLUX)、IsovoLta、FOS Tribotechnik、MAC ANTS、ZEUS、AVIATION LAB、Bolton、Graco、Biolink、Pioneer Conolite 和WD-40 等品牌的大中華區代理,彼此在信任的基礎上有著廣泛而深入的合作。我司取得了中國民航總局頒發的《民用航空油料供應企業適航批準書》,并且通過了ISO9001:2008 和AS9120質量體系認證。深圳華迅秉持“誠信、專業、變革、進取”的公司方針,有一支熱愛本行業,經驗豐富的團隊,能持續學習本行業新知識,為客戶提供24 小時AOG 保障,滿足甚至超越客戶期待。Shenzhen Huaxun was founded in 2001, devoted to be .the top-ranking supplier of comprehensive services inaviation industry, Huaxun suppliers storing, selling and distributing services of aviation greases, aviation chemicals,aviation consumable materials and aviation ground instruments & equipments for Airlines, MRO, General aviation andAviation manufacturing enterprise.With headquarter in Shenzhen and 7 offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Xiamen, Haikou, Kunming and Shenyang, Huaxun also has a wholly owned subsidiary in HK. We are always in possession of abundant product line, ranging from lubricants, greases, hydraulic oils, preservatives, herbicides, cleaning agents, sealants, paints, tapes, adhesives, surface treatment, nondestructive testing, shot blasting, interior materials, deicing / anti-icing products,etc. Huaxun is the authorized agent of Shelll, Henkel, 3M, ITW MAGNAFLUX, FOS Tribotechnik, IsovoLta, MAC ANTS, ZEUS, AVIATION LAB, Bolton, Graco, Bobolink, Pioneer Conoliteand WD-40 etc. in Greater China, and builds extensive and profound cooperation with each other on the basis of mutual trust.Huaxun obtained “certificate of airworthiness of civil aviation of oil supply "issued by CAAC, and othercertifications, such as ISO9001: 2008 and AS9120.Adhering to the guideline of "integrity, professionalism, change, progress," We have a formable experienced serviceteam. With the greatest passion in aerospace area, we keep acquiring the latest knowledge and information. And providecustomers 24-hour AOG, which will meet or even exceed customer’s expectations...