About AvenuesBegin by thinking Avenues NewYork, Avenues S?o Paulo, Avenues Shenzhen, Avenues Silicon Valley, AvenuesLondon. Think of Avenues: The World School as one independent school with many campuses around the globe that are interdependent and intentionally connected. It will not be a collection of different schools all pursuing different educational strategies, but rather one highly integrated learning community, connected and supported by a common mission, a shared education design and curriculum, world-class technology and a talented headquarters team in New York City.Avenues New York opened in2012 and currently serves 1,550 students in grades nursery – 12. Our second campus, in S?o Paulo, will open in August 2018, and Avenues Shenzhen is scheduled to open in 2019. Avenues prepares students for engaged global citizenship in the modern world, with an approach that combines language immersion, interdisciplinary learning, a global curriculum and a culture of creativity and deep collaboration.The China Business Development team leads Avenues' work to develop new opportunities for campus development in China. The team currently based in Beijing.