安遠國際(北京)科技有限公司依托于中國科技文化產業出海,‘在一帶一路’的大背景下,在資訊領域方面已經成為從中國到中亞,土耳其,歐洲的佼佼者;公司于2014年 9 月由 Adham Baodunnov創立,目前公司核心團隊均畢業于北大,南開等國內學府,或之前效力于三星,騰訊,搜狗,微博等一些互聯網公司。公司旗下的土耳其本土用戶提供信息資訊服務的聚合信息平臺——GUNDEM已經長期占據當地新聞類榜首。通過不斷挖掘和滿足本地的互聯網資訊需求,逐漸成長為正在深入用戶生活的信息資訊公司。與此同時,我們堅持包容開放的態度, 逐漸拓展**市場,尋找**范圍內的互聯網信息合作伙伴,期望與更多的伙伴合作共同營造更加公平開放的互聯網信息平臺。我們已和土耳其和巴西等地區的大量新聞媒體公司有合作,幫他們整合信息資源,搭建平臺,銷售廣告。KloudpeakNetworks Inc. is an international company which provides one- stop informationlearning and providing solution. We relies on the Chinese technology cultureindustry background to the world , we already become a lead in field ofinformation from China to under Chinese to Central Asia, Turkey and Europe under Chinese“The Belt andRoad ”program.KloudPeak Networks Inc. was founded inSeptember 2014 by our CEO Mr. Adham Baodunnov. Our core team members weregraduated from Peking University, Nankai University and many other Chinesefirst-class universities. Many of them prior to the effectiveness ofSamsung,Tencent, Sogou,Micro-blog and other Internal technology companies.Our product-Gündem is an incredible news and media experiencefor all platform users for Turkey, and it is Top one localnews category APP since it came into the market. We havebecome an information technique company which influence users’ life deeply bycontinuous searching improving and meeting the demand of mobile internet user. Weare open minded and we are looking forward to cooperating with any outstandinginternet information partners worldwide to shape up a better world. We have cooperated with most of major news and mediacompanies in Turkey ,Brazil and other regions .We help publishers reach andretain new mobile audiences, without eating into their traffic or forcing themto share ad revenue.