Passion, specialization and development: Casappa’s first 60 yearsConstant evolution and passion for hydraulics! This has been the key to turning the Casappa of 1952, a manufacturer of hydraulic pumps into today’s business enterprise. Finrel is the financial holding company owned by the Casappa family that controls companies and subsidiariesThanks to the services and skills of its workforce and to investments made in research and development, Casappa is able to design and produce the main hydraulic components for applications in various sectors: construction, industrial vehicles, material handling, agriculture and industry. Besides the supply of standard products, Casappa has chosen to maintain the flexibility required for ad hoc projects, including in small quantities; it is well aware of the importance of being able to closely follow its customers and find timely solutions to their various needs, all of which represents a real stimulus for technological innovation. Having received ISO certification from the British Standard Institution in 1994, Casappa has subsequently obtained Standard ISO 9001:2008 certification, further proof of the quality and professionalism that has always characterized its operations.凱斯帕成立于1952年,總部位于意大利帕爾馬,主要生產液壓泵、液壓馬達等,是世界第三大齒輪泵生產商。凱斯帕液壓(上海)有限公司是意大利獨資子公司, 2005年在上海成立銷售代表處,2007年在康橋工業區成立工廠。凱斯帕液壓(上海)工廠建筑面積約6000平方米,擁有先進的加工,組裝,測試,噴漆設備及售前售后服務。公司擁有完善的培訓系統,優厚的福利待遇,年度體檢及旅游,歡迎各路英才加入我們的團隊,與我們一起成長!班車信息:1、浦西線:莘莊地鐵站南廣場--周浦沿線--公司2、浦東線:北蔡--周浦康橋沿線--11號線康新公路地鐵站--公司