CHOREN Industrietechnik GmbH (德國科林工業技術有限責任公司,以下簡稱“科林”) 是世界著名的潔凈煤技術的研發者和科林CCG粉煤氣化技術的擁有者。科林的創始人--Wolf 博士是前德國燃料研究所研發部部長,科林的核心技術團隊來自于前德國燃料研究所及黑水泵氣化廠。科林公司總部位于德國薩克森州的德累斯頓市,前德國燃料研究所及黑水泵工業園區附近。科林 CHOREN名稱由來:C H O RENEWABLE 碳 氫 氧 可再生科林在中國北京設有公司-科林未來能源技術(北京)有限公司,負責市場推廣和商務合作。科林在干粉煤氣流床氣化技術領域擁有40多年的研發、設計、制造、建設及運行經驗, 可為客戶提供CCG 粉煤氣化技術許可、工藝包設計、專有設備供貨、操作人員培訓及現場技術指導等服務,還可根據客戶的需求提供佳的投資和運行合作。CHOREN Industrietechnik GmbH (hereafter referredas “CHOREN”) is the world-famous pioneer of clean coal technology and the ownerof the CHOREN Coal Gasification (CCG) technology. Dr. Wolf, CHOREN founder, isDirector of R&D Department of DBI Fuel Research Institute and the coretechnical team is from DBI Fuel Research Institute and Gaskombinat SchwarzePumpe. CHOREN headquarter is located in Dresden, Germany, near SCHWARZE PUMPEIndustrial Park, and has set up the representative office in Beijing formarketing and business development activities.CHOREN has over 40 years’ experience on R&D, design, manufacture,construction and operation of the pulverized coal entrained flow gasificationtechnology. CHOREN can provide clients with CCG license, Process Design Package(PDP), the proprietary equipment, technical training and on-site service, andthe most appropriate investment and operation plant.