Yixing Hanbo ceramics is locate in the beautiful scenery of the taihu lake,professional production of alumina,titanium dioxide And other special Kinds ofceramic pieces.I plant to a high starting point,high-quality as the standard,Yan Lattice standardiza-tion of selection and production processes To ensure thatthe product Stability,ac-hieved the domestic leading level.Our factory has an ann-ual output of 20mill-ion production capacity.
Our factory has the independent development of new products and high-tech ceramic technologyCapa-city is now able to produce ceramic Porcelain,clean And 95% alumina ceramic Porelain,clean And 95% alumina and ultra-hardness of more than 99% alumina Ceramincs,titanium dioxide ceramic antistatic coe-fficent of friction special small yellow Color titanium dioxide ceramics and so on,and i plant has a unique polishing Tech-niques Surgery,various technical indica-tros have reachde or com close to the domestic equivalent of level.