廣州市匯康電子科技有限公司是一家經國家相關部門批準注冊的企業。本公司專業從事各種身份識別腕帶系列產品的研發,生產和銷售。識別帶(又名標識帶)。廣泛用于醫院病人識別和娛樂場所的客戶識別,產品遠銷歐美等國家和其他地區。公司擁有自己的研發人員,并累積多年的專業經驗,可按照客戶需求來樣生產或提供個性化服務。廣州市匯康電子科技有限公司憑著良好的信用、優良的服務與多家企業建立了長期的合作關系。廣州市匯康電子科有限公司熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察、洽談業務。 Guangzhou Huikon Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd specialized in research,produce and sales of identification wristband series. Identification wristband,which are widely use in distinguish different patiences in hospitals,many kinds of customers in amusement places and also sales to Europe and the United States and many other areas.
Our company has our own research personnel.Through many years’ accumulation of experience, we can provide personalized service to our customers as well as make the products according to the samples that provided by our customers.