Lead-Top Electrical, a professional manufacturer in photo control market, takes pride in quality standards that meet or exceed industry standards in all of their product lines. Lead-Top Electrical continuously brings
innovation to the photocontrol industry. Wherever control of outdoor lighting is needed, Lead-Top Electrical
is there - streetlights, roadway lighting, area lighting, parking lot lights, billboard lights, landscaping lighting, sign lighting and more.
These same standards are applied to manufacturing the whole Lead-Top product line, creating superior photocontrols, mounting receptacle, shorting caps as well as custom design control products. We encourage you
to experience “Lead To Top” as we continue to introduce innovative new products and through our vigilant
implementation of highest quality criterion we continue to meet and exceed industry standards in all our
product lines.
Wherever there is outdoor lighting, streetlights, parking lot lights, billboard lights; ... you’ll find Lead-Top,
the Leader in the Outdoor Lighting Control Industry.