武漢普瑞泰智能科技是集研發、制造、銷售和服務為一體的高新科技型企業。公司成立于2008年,經過多年的技術沉淀,公司凝聚了一支在通道智能控制、光幕感應、邏輯算法、生物識別等領域有著實戰經驗的團隊。普瑞泰秉承“專業源于細節、服務源于真誠”的經營思路,不斷創造客戶價值和培養員工價值! 公司專注速通門、擺閘、翼閘、三輥閘、旋轉閘、無障礙通道等產品,致力于為行政辦公樓、智能寫字樓、銀行、圖書館、醫院、學校、公共場館、車站等提供完善的出入口控制解決方案。其產品廣泛應用于人流密度大、通行情況復雜、防尾隨高安防級別的場所,優良的品質取得到行業內廣泛的認同。
Wu Hanpu ruitai intelligent science and technology is the collection research and development, manufacture, sales and service as one of the high and new science and technology enterprises. The company was founded in 2008, after years of precipitation technology, the company condensed the a intelligent control in the channel, light curtain induction and logical algorithm, biometrics, and other fields with actual combat experience of the team. PuRuiTai adhering to the \'professional springs from details, service from sincere\' business ideas, constantly create customer value and employee value!