Art-logics, based in Shanghai, was established at the end of 2009 providing customized testing systems and solutions for domestic and foreign automotive parts manufactures. ART-logics is a solely foreign owned enterprise: the entire R&D-team comes from France, while the management is exclusively composed of engineers who own at least 10 years of experience in automotive industry. Other employees also have extensive experiences in researching on or testing of automotive parts from well-known car companies. With its in-depth understanding and detailed knowledge of the industry, its unique design of products and perfect pre-consultation and after-sale service, ART-logics truly is an excellent partner and supplier of many auto parts enterprise.
Thanks to the highly developed automotive industry in China, ART-logics grew quickly. Its product ART1000 Testing System earned many praise once it was released. And it was also exported abroad to BOSCH Germany and Continental India. Major customers of Art-logics include Continental, Bosch, STEC, Johnson Control, Autoliv, SGS, SAIC, PATAC, …
艾馳電子成立于 2009 年,立足上海,為國內外知名汽車零部件廠商提供完善的測試以及測試設備解決方案。 公司為外商獨資企業,研發團隊來自法國,管理層均為來自汽車行業具有十年以上行業經驗的法國工 程師。其他員工來自國內汽車行業多家知名企業,均有多年汽車零部件研發及測試經驗。憑借對行業 的深入了解,獨特的產品設計和完善的服務體系,艾馳電子已成為國內外多家汽車零配件廠商的重要 合作伙伴和優質供應商。
得益于中國汽車行業的高速發展,艾馳電子自成立以來成長迅速。公司自主研發設計的 ART1000 測試系 統一經推出立刻贏得了眾多公司的關注和好評,并且遠銷到德國博世和印度大陸電子。公司的主要客戶有: 大陸電子,博世,上海實業交通 ,江森自控,奧托立夫, SGS,上海汽車,泛亞...