美國阿拉巴馬州執(zhí)照ALFRED INTL CORP.,及加州執(zhí)照ANN & DOV INTL,CO. INC.,另有辦事處在西雅圖。與福州利得企業(yè)為集團企業(yè)。美國公司負責人Mr.Simon Lin 精通廣東話/漢語/英文/日文,專司國際貿易進出口及與美國政府合作移民案,配合聯邦律師辦理簽證文件。及護士赴美輔導就業(yè)及中學大學私校申請留學代辦。貿易項目:美國液壓蓄能器/油缸.(歡迎洽詢經銷及代理),美國廢五金,,美國中古汽車零配件,北美水產品罐及生鮮冷凍海產品和環(huán)保寵物骨灰盒等。。.
OFFICE:001-205-9793386 (USA AL)
CELL: 001-205-7576333(SELINA)說中文
+1-650-6787481 (SIMON) 說中文
The headquarter of Alfred Intl Corp is located at Alabama, with one branch at California of the U.S.A. Mr. Simon Lin speaks Cantonese / Mandarin / English / Japanese, and; especially, is skilled in international importing & exporting. of the items, such as, the hydraulic accumulators and cylinders,. construction material, top- notched pharmaceutical or medical products, and fresh /frozen/canned seafood from the United States.
Please feel free to contact us for agency. We will provide you with the best business consulting, and product with the best quality satisfaction. We hope our entrepreneurial spirit: and honesty lead our cooperation to the goal of win-win benefit!