艾美仕市場調研咨詢(上海)有限公司是**的為醫藥健康行業提供專業信息和戰略咨詢服務的公司-ims health(紐約證券市場股票代碼:rx)在中國地區設立的公司,ims health公司已有50的歷史,憑藉著在世界上100個地區發展業務的豐富行業經驗,ims通過提供與醫藥行業客戶日常運營密切相關的專業戰略分析和咨詢服務,成為**醫藥行業咨詢服務的“黃金標準”。**500制藥企業幾乎都是ims**的客戶。
the demand for reliable market intelligence and accountability in global healthcare has never been greater. from researchers and payers to government agencies and pharmaceutical manufacturers, healthcare stakeholders need to better understand the role prescription drugs play in delivering high-quality, cost-effective care. at the same time, pharmaceutical companies face unprecedented competition for market share and pressures to maximize brand lifecycles, all while proving the value of their medicines.
in today's complex healthcare marketplace, a growing set of audiences depend on ims to yield the most accurate perspective of global market dynamics.
organizing a vast array of healthcare data and facts into solid, relevant metrics to help answer key questions is an enormous undertaking. ims can apply insight and capabilities to a tremendously rich set of data assets and analytics. we are the gold standard in pharmaceutical and healthcare market intelligence, relied on by virtually all of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies — along with government agencies, policymakers, researchers and financial analysts around the globe.
our end-to-end solutions — integrating unparalleled information, analytics, consulting and services — play a central role in supporting high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. our people bring the facts and figures to life, leveraging our extensive global network and expertise.