美國國際數據集團( International Data Group)是全世界大的信息技術出版、研究、會展與風險投資公司。
IDG 集團公司創建于 1964 年,總部設在美國波士頓。目前,在全世界 85 個國家和地區設有子公司和分公司,擁有 13,640 名高級研究和編輯人員,采用電子郵件、數據庫、電傳及聯機服務等現代化信息處理和傳遞手段,建立了快速而全面的世界性信息網絡。
公司每年發表 9 萬余篇市場研究報告和技術發展預測報告,用 25 種語言出版 300 種有關雜志;每年舉辦近 600 場各種國際性和地區性的學術報告會、市場分析會和產品展示展覽會;提供各種命題和定向的資訊服務。 IDG 公司在世界信息產業界的輿論影響力是獨一無二的。
IDG 公司是**家進入中國的美國技術信息服務公司。自 1980 年在北京創辦了中美合資《計算機世界》周刊以來,至今 IDG 公司在中國合資與合作出版的與計算機、電子、通訊有關的報紙與雜志達 30 種,每年舉辦 18 場以上的計算機、電子、通訊的展覽會,并為國外信息產業界主要生產商舉辦近 60 場專題研討與演示會。 IDG 所屬市場研究與預測公司( IDC )在北京、上海、深圳等地設立了自己的服務中心,每年向業界客戶提供近 200 份專題研究報告及咨詢服務。
1998 年, IDG 與美國大的消費類雜志出版公司 HEARST 建立合資戰略聯盟,向亞太地區具有實力的同類雜志轉讓版權并提供國外市場、廣告銷售、業務培訓等服務。成功地將《大都會》( Cosmopolitan )的版權轉讓給中國的《時尚》雜志。在此項合作成功的基礎上, IDG 又與美國其他著名的雜志出版公司 PRIMEDIA, CONDE NAST, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, RODALE,REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 等建立了類似的關系。
IDG 所屬的 IDG 技術創業投資基金(原太平洋技術創業投資公司,現簡稱 IDGVC Partners )于 1989 年 11 月在北京進行了**個試驗項目的風險投資。在此基礎上, 1993 年開始大規模進入中國市場,先后在北京、上海、廣東、天津、深圳等地設立了自己的風險投資管理公司。 IDGVC Partners 已成為中國風險投資行業的者,管理總金額達 14 億美元的風險基金。
Website: idg , idg
IDG 公司尊重個人尊嚴,鼓勵每位員工在 IDG 的大家庭里發展、貢獻自己的才能。為適應 IDG 在中國業務的高速發展,我們真誠歡迎有進取心,有責任感,有團隊合作精神,又具有堅實的專業背景和熟練業務技能的人才加盟,與 IDG 在中國的事業一起共同成長壯大!
International Data Group (IDG) is the world leading IT publishing, market research, events, and venture capital company.
Founded in 1964, with its headquarter in Boston of the U.S., IDG set up its subsidiaries and branches in 85 countries and regions in the world, with 13,640 senior research experts and editors. It has established a rapid and overall information network worldwide by modern information processing and transmission such as e-mail, database, and on-line service.
IDG publishes 90,000 pieces of market research and forecast reports on technological development annually; publishes over 300 varieties of magazines in 25 languages; holds 600 various international and regional academic seminars, market analysis and products expos; and provides consultant service in different fields. In short, IDG is the most influential company in the world's IT industry.
IDG is the first American IT service company entering into the Chinese market. Since the founding of Computerworld weekly, a Sino-US joint venture, in 1980, IDG already has over 30 magazines and newspapers in the fields of computer technologies, electronics and telecommunications by means of joint venture or cooperative publishing in China . Every year, it holds over 18 expositions on computer, electronics and telecommunications in China and 60 conferences for overseas major producers in IT industry. IDC, a division of IDG, which is engaged in market research and forecast, set up its R&D centers in Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen. It provides clients from the IT industry with over 200 industrial analysis and consulting service every year.
In 1998, IDG established a joint-venture strategic relationship with The Hearst Corporation, the largest consumer magazine publishing company in the United States . Soon, IDG successfully introduced Cosmopolitan of the US into the Chinese market. Later on, IDG established similar relationships with Primedia, Conde Nast, National Geographic Society, Rodale, and Reed Business Information of the United States , and will introduce more overseas magazines to the Chinese market.
IDG Technology Venture Investment Fund (formerly Pacific Technology Venture Fund, now IDGVC Partners), had its first venture investment in Beijing in November 1989. In 1993, IDG entered the Chinese market in a large scale, setting up its own venture investment management companies in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangdong , Tianjin and Shenzhen. IDGVC Partners has established a leading role in the industry with an aggregate of US $1.4 billion capital under management.
Website: idg , idg
IDG culture is to show respect for the dignity of each individual , and to e ncourage every staff to give his/her talents into full play. We sincerely welcome all talents with ambitions, responsibilities, team-work spirit, and solid professional background to join IDG!
IDG愛奇會展有限公司 (IDG World Expo)是美國國際數據集團(IDG)在中國的分支機構。IDG愛奇會展有限公司將IDG成功的展覽和會議引進中國。我們的服務包括:展覽及會議、IDG**解決方案、整合市場營銷服務。IDG愛奇會展有限公司設在北京、上海、深圳的三個分支機構,超過50名員工以豐富經驗為**客戶開拓充滿無限商機的中國市場提供專業的市場服務。