SK C&C 作為集團的子公司是SK集團內唯一經營IT類業務的公司,為集團其他公司的業務提供IT支持與服務;同時SK C&C是在韓國**個提出IT外包業務的公司。SK C&C 2007年來到北京中關村。自創立至今,公司業務規模和人員規模發展迅速;目前公司制定了宏偉的發展目標并持續向著既定目標前進。
SK C&C重視人才培養和發展,積極營造和諧友好的工作氣氛。在薪資福利、出國培訓、職位晉升等發展方面將為您提供廣闊的空間!如果你胸懷夢想、才華橫溢,請加入我們吧,讓我們的舞臺成為你人生的新起點,讓我們的事業為你的夢想插上翅膀!
SK C&C Systems
SK Group is the third largest group corporation in Korea, with 53 sub-companies distributed in Telecom, Energy & Chemicals, Engineering, Manufacturing, Finance, ERP, CRM and other businesses. The revenue of SK Group in 2005 exceeded $60.2 billion, which was next to LG and Samsung. SK C&C is a private company of the SK Group, in charge of IT development of the whole group. SK C&C has more than 2,000 employees and revenue of $1.002 billion in 2005. SK C&C has branch companies and offices in India and Mongolia, and was the first IT company that passed CMMI level 4 in Korea.
SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center was founded in Zpark Beijing on Apr 17, 2007, in charge of all SK Group projects related to China and part of the overseas IT projects. SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center plans to grow 30% yearly by doing SK Group projects first, then transfer the advanced business knowledge to China and serve Telecom, Energy, Chemicals and other industries in China. In the future, SK C&C Systems Global Delivery Center will carry out IT project from all over the world and grow into the leading IT consulting and service company.
SK C&C:skccchina