本廠在河北古城保定市,位于華北明珠“白洋淀”之濱,京、津、石三角地帶,屬大北京經濟圈。北距北京140公里,東距天津150公里,南距石家莊145公里,風光秀麗,交通便利。清苑縣盛華紗布 、純棉紗布、口罩紗布、里料紗布、滌棉紗布、漂白紗布、衛生材料、箱包底布、豆包布、包皮布、包棉花布等產品專業生產加工的私營獨資企業。本廠自建立以來,以其雄厚的實力和良好的信譽,同多個客戶建立了良好的業務關系,在薄利多銷、互惠互利、共同發展的前提下,取得了優異的經濟效益和社會效益。“團結奮進,開拓創新,以信為本,共創和諧”是我們的信仰,我們將繼續壯大和發展與國內外客戶的經濟貿易往來和合作,共同發展,共創和諧。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨清苑縣盛華紗布廠參觀、指導和業務洽談。聯系人:景永強,聯系方式:0312-8058819 13930807100,
Our ancient city of Baoding in Hebei in north China Pearl "Baiyangdian" Sea, Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang triangle, it is a large Beijing Economic Circle. 140 km south of Beijing, Tianjin, 150 km east, 145 km north of Shijiazhuang, beautiful scenery and convenient transportation. Qingyuan County Shenghua gauze, cotton gauze, gauze mask, gauze lining, C yarn cloth, bleached gauze, sanitary materials, cloth bags at the end, BEAN BAG cloth bag Pibu, bales of cotton cloth and other products of private-owned professional production and processing enterprise. Since our inception, with its strong strength and good reputation, with many customers to establish a good business relationship, the puerile, mutual benefit and common development under the premise of achieving outstanding economic and social benefits . "Forge ahead in unity, pioneering and innovative, to this letter, to create harmony" is our faith, we will continue to grow and develop economic and trade exchanges with domestic and international customers and cooperation, common development and create harmony. Welcome friends from Qingyuan County Shenghua gauze factory visit, guidance and business negotiation. Contact: Jing Yongqiang, contact 0312 -8058819 13930807100,