從2000年起,我們開始從埃塞俄比亞、肯尼亞、烏干達、英國、 意大利等國家進口皮革 這些皮革不但用于生產手套我們還做了進一步加工,制成了皮鞋和服裝,進一步促進公司產值的增加。
2008年我們開始在非洲投資,首先在西非馬里開始建立生產廠區,到2009年已經擁有了每年300萬件的生產能力; 2009年在蘇丹建立了生產廠區,2010年在埃塞俄比亞建立了生產廠區,我們將在2012年完成其他兩個生產廠區的建設和投產。
Our company was established in1994 inHebei Province, the People’s Republic of China. As early as the year 1994, we started to produce and process leatherware, mainly leather gloves. In the year 2003, the output of gloves reached 5,000 pairs/day; we had 500 employees and produced an annual output value of USD 6,000,000, generating profit of USD 500,000.
From the year 2000, we started to import leather from Africa. Main imported products included sheepskin and wetblue goatskin fromEthiopia, and the wetblue goatskin and wetblue sheepskin from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. In addition, we also imported leather fromPakistan, the UK and Italy. In 2003, to carry out the leather import business, an independent business department was established. These imported products were not only used by the gloves plant, but also further processed by our company into shoe leather and garment leather. By 2008, we had imported 50 containers of leather annually from Africa.
It was also in the year 2008 that we started to make investments inAfrica.
In 2008, we set up the West Africa (Mali) Tannery Sarl inMali, West Africa, which was put into production in January, 2009 and capable of producing 3,000,000 pieces of wetblue goat and sheepskins annually.
In the same year 2008, we established the Jeronimo Group of Industries and Trade PLC (a tannery) inSomaliland, which was put into production in March, 2009 and capable of producing 2,000,000 pieces of wetblue goat and sheepskins annually.
In January, 2009, we established C.S. International Tannery in Sudan, which was on production in November, 2009 and capable of producing 1,500,000 pieces of wetblue goat and sheepskins.
In 2010, we established the Friendship Tannery PLC in Ethiopia, which was on production in May, 2011 and capable of producing 3,000,000 pieces of goat and sheepskins in crust.
Also, there is another two project will complete within 2012.
Besides, we have a international trade team, we buy form world wide, and introduce the product to china market.